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I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner, finals are this week and my grades are iffy.
Plus, writers block was a prolonged torture, but I got ideas goin' and fingers a typin'
Hope you enjoy
Oh and read the little something at the very end!

*Jay's PoV*

I couldn't go to school, I couldn't face Lavender. I felt like shit, our first day dating and I'm already dodging her. Well, not dodging as in avoiding, I didn't know what to say to her. What do you say to someone the day after ya'll first start dating? 'Goodmorning the love of my life. What did you dream about? Mine was about us getting married and having seven kids!'

I didn't dream about that either, that was mostly the reason I didn't go to school - my dream.

Yes, sometime during the night after Lavender passed out I laid on the couch and fell asleep. The dream was a stir to colors and shapes, all forming one girl, the love of my life.


The style in the dream looked like an impressionist film. Her skin blended with her fair complexion against the winter snow, her strawberry blond hair flowing like a dancing fire under a small slab of glass. It moved quickly, if it was a fire the pines would ignite like a pyromanic in a box match making factory. She blended in so well into the scenery but stood out like a pearl necklace. It wasn't so simply a dream, but a memory. It wasn't a fond memory either, it was instead dreadful. Soon as I recognized where I was I wanted to wake up. No matter how many times I pinched myself I couldn't wake up. Somethings are supposed to be dealt with, her death was one I was avoiding.

I've seen this before, it haunted me for months every night after the accident. She wasn't standing still, the wind blowing softly in her hair, she was running from me. Her hair snapped in quick whips and her breath was rigid as she ran, I tried to yell for her to stop but she only ran faster.

I only remember clearly the color of her red hair, her body falling limp into the snow after the loud bang, the cool metal in my hand, red staining the snow. I had 911 already dialed on my phone, after I realized my colt .45 was missing I knew what she was going to do. I held the cool metallic phone against my ear slowly walking closer to her body, the lady on the end of the phone yelled frantically into my ear but I couldn't rester was she was saying. All I was paying attention to was her weak breathing and all the blood.

She was still alive.

I yelled what I thought and dropped my phone running over to her.

"Ellie," I whimper falling into the snow by her side, her eyelids were faintly opened, her breath a rigid wheeze. "Baby please don't die," my voice cracked. "Ellie baby please, stay." I grabbed her hand squeezing it tightly. "Darling please," I wept then her eyelids slowly started to close. "No no no Ellie! Ellie don't no fuck, Ellie!" I yelled at her. I regret yelling, I wish I took this moment to hold her closer while she drew her last breath. Remind her that I loved her despite what she did, remind her that I loved her. I didn't. She died me frantically shaking her trying to get her to open her beautiful eyes, me screaming at her.

When the police and ambulance finally found us it was too late, Ellie was gone. She died along with so many other parts of me.

In some twisted sick humor this nightmare had, when I looked down at her, her face wasn't her own. Her strawberry blond hair was a soft brown, in gentle waves over her shoulders. A knot formed in my next when it was Lavender.

The pine trees seemed to shiver and quake, dark cloud forming overhead. With a pitch gasp she sat up grabbing my arm. A blood clot had formed in her eyes and whimpered weakly in pain, "History repeats itself."

So what would I say to her? I woke up and grabbed her a glass of water and got some medicine because I knew her hangover would be a grave one. I left her there, I didn't want to but I didn't want to be there. I needed to be home by myself where I knew I couldn't hurt her.

Although I received many text messaged throughout the day, I couldn't answer her. I couldn't tell her about the dream, about Ellie. I told her vaguely, but not all of it. I couldn't get close to her, I realized that now, a second too late. I can't let history repeat itself.

My phone rang, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked down and the illuminated screen. It was Lavender. I meant to press the red button to decline it but by accident I hit the bright green one answering the call.

"Jay, what's wrong?" She asked softly. I bit my cheek hard my eyes closed tightly.

"So much darling, so much." I whispered, my thumb hung over the red button.

"Jay, come over to my house okay? Don't hide from me-"

Call Canceled.


So, because I care so much about your opinion, where would you like to see the next chapter go? Any requests?

I'm past 170 votes and 7k reads!
I'm so lucky, I love you all 💐

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