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"Darling?" I copied what he said, eyebrow raised. I tried to play it cool but the way he was looking at me made the hair on my arms stand.

"Why are you starring at me? Every time I look over you're looking at me. What do you want?" He breathes in annoyance.

I swallowed hard, I suppose I was starring. I looked back at his cold green eyes, "Why do you keep looking over at me?" I said a little harsher then I meant too. The boy just glared down at me not saying anything.

"Excuse me, get in your seat." A voice called at the front of the room. I looked over at the older lady with shoulder length brown hair and reading glasses that sat on her nose, the boy continued to glare at me. "Young man, take a seat." She demanded but he didn't give her the slightest of attention. I looked back at him, feeling slightly more than a little scared. The way he was looking at me made me feel so small, so beneath him.

He narrowed his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed. "I expect an answer, darling." He growled. The teacher was yelling some more stuff, and everyone in the class was now starring over me. My heart was racing, this was way too much attention. I could feel a panic attack coming on. My hands began to tremble when I heard a couple kids behind me give a little giggle. They're laughing at you.

The boy looked back at them with fire in his eyes, when he looked back at me he watch my trembling hands and his expression softened. My skin left like it was burning and I felt much too claustrophobic.

I finally snapped grabbing my bag from behind me and ran to out the door into the girls bathroom then to the large handicap stall. I slumped against the wall shaking trying to control my breathing. I fumbled open my bag to grab the now warm water bottle and struggled to twist the cap. I spilled it I was shaking so bad. I took small sips, with my eyes closed tight. Go to a happy place. Go to a happy place. The only thing I could see was the boys cold eyes that burned with anger.

There was a soft knock on the stall door. My head snapped up and violently wiped the streams under my eyes  with my sweater sleeve.

"I'll be out in one second," I wept, rolling up my sleeves trying to push all the junk back into my bag.

"Darling?" A voice softly called. It was too deep to be another girl's voice. "Are you okay?"

The boy.

I dropped the bag, blinking emptily at the large all black vans under the stall door. My body moved on its own accord, sliding the lock and opening the stall door to see those big green eyes peering down on me. He opened his mouth then at my arm, a frown crossed his face and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry," He whispered and I tugged down my sleeve hiding the fading scars. "Are - Are you okay?" His voice had a certain shake to it, as if he was scared. What's he scared of?

"I'm fine." I whispered looking at the ground. "Why are you in the girl's bathroom...?"

"To check on you." He said emotionless as if a boy walking into the girl's bathroom is completely normal.

"But if girls walk in," I started but he quickly cut me off. "I locked the door." I swallowed hard, why did he do that? What did he plan to do to me?

"No no," He stepped back nervously laughing. I must've given him some type of look because he quickly added, "I mean you're beautiful but no I just locked it so they wouldn't walk in and be worried or scared. I just wanted to check on you, I waited outside for the past hour but when you didn't come out it worried me." A pink flushed my cheeks and I couldn't help the weak smile that crossed my lips. "I'm sorry I scared you."

I smiled extending my hand to him. "I'm Lavender Drew." He took it and smiled shaking my hand. "Ezra Jeremiah, you can call me Jay. Nice to meet you Ms. Drew."

I never thought I'd meet a boy in a girl's restroom, but Jay doesn't seem like just any boy.





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