Such A Small Freaking World

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I stared at the four different pregnancy tests in shock and disbelief.

I'm nineteen years old! I can't be pregnant! No no no no no! This is all wrong!

Holy shit!

How am I going to tell him?!


B: hello?

C: oh hey Belle!

B: hey Chloe! What's up?

C: you won't believe what happened last night!

B: what?! Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! Did you ge-

C: he proposed!

B: wait- what?!

C: he freaking proposed Belle! We're engaged!

B: oh my god! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

C: thanks!

I really wanted to tell Chloe that I'm pregnant but she's celebrating her engagement and I don't want to ruin that.

I 'll just make an appointment and go tomorrow. Maybe these tests are wrong and I don't want to start a commotion.

B: well... I have to go but congrats again! You guys are meant to be together.

C: awww. Thanks Belle! Okay bye!

B: bye!

I hung up and got ready for bed. Tomorrow's gonna be an interesting day.


I'm pregnant.




I have to tell Chloe right now!

C: hello?

B: hey C!

C: hey B! What's up?

B: I-I'm pregnant.

C: what?!

B: I'm pregnant with Chaz's child and I don't know what to do!

There was a long pause.

C: I'm coming over.

B: okay. Bye.

C: bye.

I sighed and cleaned up the house a little. I really need to get a maid.

I was doing just fine until I felt my food from this morning coming up my throat. I bolted to the bathroom and let it all out. I felt someone lift up my hair.

I turned around and saw Chloe instantly remembering that I gave her a spare key to the house. She smiled at me and I returned the kind gesture.

I mumbled a 'thanks' and got up and brushed my teeth. I said "Thanks for coming" "Hey. What are best friends for?"she said.

"What are you gonna do?"she asked. "Honestly. I don't know. I mean...I am gonna keep the child but I'm afraid that when I tell Chaz he's gonna up and leave" I said worriedly.

She said "Trust me Chaz isn't like that and you know that. I would be worried too but your gonna have to tell him"

"When?"I asked. As if on cue Chaz walks into the room saying "Babe I'm home!" She said "There's your chance" I nodded and took a deep breath. Chloe and I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Hey babe-what's wrong?" Chaz asked. "I'm gonna give you guys some privacy"said Chloe. "You can do this"she whispered before walking out of the room.

I said "Chaz...there's something that I have to tell you" He said "Okay...what's up?" "I-I-I-I'm..."I stuttered. Chaz walked over to me and held both of my hands in his.

" know that you can tell me anything. Please tell me what's wrong" He was literally begging. I took a deep breath and said "I'm...pregnant" I looked into Chaz's eyes and he looked shocked but...pleased?

"How far along are you?"he asked,his smile growing. "Two weeks"I answered." When's your next appointment?"he asked. "In the next two weeks"I answered.

He was smiling from ear to ear now. "I'm coming with you"he said in a stern voice. " you're not gonna leave? "I asked a little worriedly. "Why would I do that?"he asked.

I gulped and pointed to my tummy saying"You know....." Chaz put one of his hands on my belly and cupped my cheek with the other. "Baby. I love both you and this little peanut to death. I'm not going anywhere"

I released a breath of relief that I didn't know I was holding in and said"Thanks babe. We love you too" we kissed passionately until we heard Chloe at the door saying"Aaawwww"

We pulled away and linked our foreheads together. Chloe shouted "She's preggoooo!" We all laughed.


Chaz invited Chloe,Justin and I to a dinner to meet his family. It's a little family get-together and I'm nervous as fuck! I'm gonna meet his parents and tell them that I'm pregnant.




Right now we're in Justin's Ferrari driving to Chaz parents' house. Chaz must have realised that I was nervous because he held my hand and gave it a squeeze.

Justin drove into the drive way. Here goes nothing.

We walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. A few seconds went by before a petite,tanned woman with long black hair and blue eyes answered the door.

"Hi sweetie!"she said and kissed Chaz's cheek. "Hey mom"he replied. "You must be Belle"she said directing her attention to me. "Yes. It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Sombers"I said sticking my hand out for her to shake.

She caught me off guard by hugging me instead. "Please call me Lauren" "Will do Lauren"I said with a smile.

Chaz introduced Justin and Chloe and we went inside the hou- well mansion.

The whole get-together thing is a success so far. Chaz literally dragged me to the center of the living room and said "Can I have everybody's undivided attention?!" Everyone looked at us and Chaz said"This is my girl friend,Belle" I said "Hi!"in a shy voice and waved awkwardly.

Some 'awwws' were heard. Chaz turned to me and said "Belle you're my world. I wouldn't be living today without you. You make me so happy and I love you so so so much. One day you're gonna be my wife and we're gonna have a family. Especially since we have a baby coming." A few gasps were heard. "Now I just need you to be my wife and I want to make that a reality so....."he got down on one knee.

"Oh my god!"I screamed already crying. "Will you Belle Livy Johnson marry me?" "YES!" Chaz smiled and put the silver ring on my finger. We kissed and Chaz shouted "SHE SAID YES!" Cheers and congrats were given out to us.

Everything was going good until Allison,Chaz's sister,showed up. She said "Everybody please meet my boyfriend, Nathan" I snapped my head up only to greeted by the asshole's green eyes.

What such a small freaking world!


I finally updated!


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Luv u :)

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