Happy Birthday!

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I woke up with a huge smile on my face. What took place yesterday kept on repeating in my head. I kissed Chloe.

I kissed Chloe!

I kissed Chloe!

Oh my fucking god! I kissed Chloe!

Justin chill! Focus!

I got out of bed and checked the time. It was 8 am. I took a shower and dressed up for the day.

I want to impress Chloe. Remember? It's her birthday! I went downstairs and found pancakes on the counter with a note from my mom saying:

Hi honey

You were sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to wake you up. You know my boyfriend, Kevin. Well he has a job trip that he has to go on and I am going with him. I will be gone for four months. Please don't be upset. I left a debit card for emergencies, groceries and a thousand dollars. I really need to support him because this is a once in a lifetime thing for him. I love you and please stay safe. Don't get into trouble please but I'm sure that Chloe will look out for you.

I love you honey.

From mom.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I set the note back down and ate my pancakes. After eating I cleaned up grabbed my phone and left the hou-mansion.

I went over to Chloe's mansion and rang the doorbell. She answered after about fifteen seconds. I obviously woke her up.

She let out a cut little yawn and smiled and said "What's up?"in her cute morning voice. "Happy birthday!"I cheered and jumped up and down.

She laughed and said " Come on in!" "Okay"I said and closed the door behind me. We walked into the living room. I sat down and she said "I'm gonna take a shower. Make yourself at home!"while walking out of the room. "Okay!"

I decided to make her favourite breakfast. Waffles with a lot of syrup and cinnamon, scrambled eggs and sausages. I put all of it on a plate and set it on the counter and poured her a glass of orange juice.

I heard her talking on the phone and her words grew clearer and louder as she entered the kitchen. She gasped when she saw what I did and smiled. That smile instantly made me melt.

"Uh huh-okay. I love you too mom. Yeah-um Justin made me breakfast. Oh yeah he's here. MOM?! Yeeesss. Okay . BYE!"and hung up.

"You did this for me?! You cooked my favourite breakfast for me on my birthday?!"she asked in disbelief. I chuckled at her expression and said "Yup!"with a smile.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Oh my god! I love you. I love you. I love you! Thank you sooo much!"she jumped up and down before hugging me and kissing my cheek.

I smirked when an idea came to me. I said "You're welcome! " and pointed to my cheek. She chuckled and leaned in to kiss it. Right before her lips touched my cheek, I turned my head and our lips collided.

I kissed her and she kissed back. We started to make out. After about two minutes the bell rang interrupting us. We both pulled away and Chloe was just staring at the food.

I chuckled and said "You enjoy your breakfast. I'll get the door" She smiled and said "Thank you!"and ran to the plate of food. I smiled and shaked my head while going to the door.

I opened it and Belle was standing there with a wrapped present in her hands. "Hey!" "Don't tell me you beat me to it and already told her happy birthday?!"she said frustrated.

I smiled in victory and said "Yep. I also made her favourite breakfast and gave her a little make out session!" Belle glared at me and said "Are you going to let me in?!" "Oh yeah right. Sorry!"I moved to the side to let her pass.

We walked into the kitchen and Chloe was putting her plate in the sink. Did she really eat all of that so fast?! Damn girl!

"Chloe did you eat all of that so fast?!"I asked clearly shocked. Chloe giggled and said "Yeeepp!"I smiled at how cute she was. "Hey Belle!"Chloe greeted Belle.


Chloe's birthday party was so cool. A lot of people came. We got some of the best parts on tape. I sang to Chloe in front of everyone and she was making her own ocean. I also gave her a promise ring and promised that we will always be bestfriends no matter what.

The party was over,everyone left and we just finished cleaning up. We as in Belle,Chloe and I.

Wow Chloe is eighteen. Yep she's a few months older than me. I 'm turning eighteen next year March. Anyways we decided to play a game.

We let Chloe pick the game especially since it's her birthday. We all sat on the floor in the living room. Chloe said "Let's play a game where you can tell how a person feels by their expressions. Belle and I nodded.

Chloe said "I'll go first! Okay Justin. You smirk when you're confident or when you're going to do something devious. You roll your eyes when you're annoyed. You hiss your teeth and look away when you're irritated or frustrated. You clench your jaw and ball your fists when you're angry. You stutter when you're nervous. You blush and look away when you're embarrassed . You avoid someone's eyes when you're lying. You look down and tap you're right foot repeatedly when you're growing impatient. You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head to the side when you're confused. You squint your eyes and look at someone when you're scanning them. And-"

I rose my eyebrows and smiled at her. "You do that when you're amused!" I just stared at her dumbfounded. Belle and Chloe bursted out into laughter.

I smiled. She knows me so well. I pointed to Chloe and said "My turn!"and smirked.

Happy BDAY Chloe!!!!

Oh I totally forgot that it's just a book. It isn't real but I still want to congratulate my character!

Nothing's wrong with that!


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The next chapter will soon be updated!

Luv u :)

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