Singing Sensations

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After what seemed like ages I heard something that I've wanted to hear for years!

The principal of NYMU said "You guys have raw talent. Both of you. But unfortunately I can't pick either of you unless you decline the offer. "

Justin and I were both confused. What freaking offer?!

"What offer?"we said in unison. They all looked at each other smiling. "I don't get it "we said again.

We looked at each other with confused faces but smiled once our eyes locked. We interlaced our fingers and looked at them and said "We do this a lot"in unison.

They all laughed. We just shrugged. After they all calmed down the label of Jam World Fest spoke up.

"He can't pick any of you if you both take the offer of becoming singing sensations. "

I was flabbergasted! Holy shit! This can't be fucking happening!

"I would like to sign both of you! So what do you say?! You up for the offer?!"the label of Jam World Fest said.

Justin and I looked at each other dumbfounded. We looked at them and nodded. The label said "I didn't hear a thing. Well I guess that means that you guys don't want the o-"

"HELL YES!"Justin and I yelled. "Great! Just sign these."he said and snapped his fingers. A guy walked in but not just any guy.

I gasped. You wanna know who came through that door?! You wanna fucking know who came through that door?!

Scooter fucking Braun just walked through that fucking door!

I give up! I'm gonna fucking faint!

Scooter said "Hey Joe!" Justin and I said "Joe?" He said "Well yeah. Joe. That's your couple name right?" "I guess"we both said.

He said "Okay...well...hey Joe!" "Hey Scooter! "We both yelled.
He said "Both of you please sign right there!"

We didn't even hesitate. We signed all of the spaces. "Great! I am now your manager! I look forward to great accomplishments in the future! I am just your other friend. You can talk to me about anything kk?"

"Kk!"we both said. "Alright I will see you two at your graduation! And don't forget you're only going to be normal for one more month! Remember that! Lates!"

"Okay! Bye!"we said. I'm pretty sure that both Justin and I were smiling like idiots. Scooter left with the papers and the label said "You two are very talented kids. I expect the best don't let me down!"he shouted while leaving.

"Thank you!"Justin shouted. "We won't let you down!"I shouted. "Good luck! Bye!"he shouted. "Bye!"we both shouted back. He left.

Belle and I both screamed which caused Justin and Ms. Clarity to cover their ears. "Damn" Justin said rubbing his ears. We giggled.

The rest of the night went well! Everyone was happy and Ms . Clarity some how just had to let the entire school know that we got signed that night.

Suprisingly there were no rude comments thrown at us. Everyone put on a smile and congratulated us. Whether the smile was fake or not it still is a smile right?




Graduation was awesome! Both of my parents were there. Justin's mom and soon to be step-dad were there too.

Justin was beyond pissed but I somehow got him to not rip that man's head off. I kissed him and he immediately calmed down.

He held onto my hand for the entire service and only let go when he went up to accept his diploma. My boy.

Belle's foster parents were there too......or should I say that they were there but not......there.

If you know what I mean......

Anyways. They wouldn't take their eyes off of their phones the entire time. They didn't even acknowledge their daughter when she was accepting her diploma and they looked relieved when the service was over.

Belle looked frustrated and beyond pissed ! I'm on her side. I would have gone haywire!

And I just realized what such a bad bestfriend I am!


Justin and I are going to become singing sensations and just leave Belle behind! I didn't even bother to ask what she was planning to do after high school! I'm officially the worst bestfriend in the whole freaking wide world!

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Justin calling my name. We're at my house. My parents went out on a date so it's just us. We're cuddled up on the couch watching titanic.

I said "Huh?" He said "I was saying that someone rang the doorbell" "Well. Why don't you answer it?"I asked.

He said "I'm tired"and pouted. Awww he's so cute! "Lazy ass"I said while getting up. He pulled me back down "But I'm your lazy ass"he whispered against my lips.

"Yes you are"I said and pecked his lips. "I'll be right back"I said smiling. "Don't take too long"he whined. "Kk"I said.

I was smiling the entire time all the way to the door. But when I opened it my smile instantly dropped.

Belle was standing there with two suitcases and a carry-on. Her hair was a mess,her face was stained with tears and her eyes were red and puffy.

She sniffled and said "H-hey" I said "Hey.What's wrong?"

She said something that completely broke my heart. She said.....

"They kicked me out"

Oh no! They kicked her out?!


Some bumps are gonna happen on the road!


I really need to do something with my life!

It's funny yet sad :(

Oh well! Hope you guys liked the chapter!

Please vote and comment to let me know what you think!

Luv u ;)

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