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Untold Tales OF LIFAD, Teil 2.
(Scene: Rammstein is deep into the writing process for LIFAD. Till has all the words for a certain song-except the title. To help inspire creativity, he and Flake have been embroiled in a marathon Scrabble game over the last six days-and nights. Many bottles of beer, Jager, pizza boxes and Haagen-Dasz cartons cover the floor. Till and Flake ponder a Scrabble board roughly the size of Utah. The other Rammies watch, bleary-eyed and cranky. Olli, acting as moderator, holds a very large German dictionary on his lap.)

Flake: 'Bezirksschornsteinfegermeister'. *1
(Sound of tiles on board.)
Till: 'Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung'. *2
(Sound of tiles on board.)
Flake: 'Federkraftlichtbogenschweißen'. *3
Till: 'Windschutzscheibewaschanlage.' *4
Flake: 'Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung.' *5
Till: 'Hubschrauberlandeplatz.' *6
Richard (On his 234th cigarette of the morning): ...So this is Hell.
Doom: Courage, Reesh. According to the rules, they can't use any word twice-they have to be running out of words by now.
Paul: Ja, but nothing says they can't start making up words...
Olli, Doom, & Richard: SHHHH!
Doom: Don't give them ideas! We'll be here til Gotterdammerung.*7
Flake: 'Gotterdammerung!'
(Sound of tiles on board.)
I almost forgot that one-thanks, Doom!
Paul: What? We're German! We make up words all the time! How do you think we get words like: 'Vierwaldstätterseedampfshiffsfahrtsgeselschaftskapitänsmützensternlein'?*8
Till: Ah hah! Thanks, Paul!
(Sound of tiles on board.)
Flake: Wait a minute, wait a minute-that's not a word! Somebody's cat must have laid on their keyboard to come up with that! Ruling, Olli!
Olli (Flipping through dictionary): ...Sorry, Flocka.
Flake: Scheiss!
(Till smiles in triumph. Flake glares at the board.)
Richard: Oh, scheiss, I know that look...
Paul: Ja, that's the same look he gave Till for a week after that time the 'Buck Dich' dildo 'slipped'.
(Sound of tiles on board.)
Flake: 'Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz!' *9 HAH! Beat that!
(Till's smile of triumph disappears. Olli closes the dictionary with a bang.)
Olli: Ok, Kerls, that's it!
Flake & Till: What-?
Olli: You have literally used every word in the German language!
Richard, Doom & Paul: Danken Sie Gott!
Till: No! I still have nine tiles! Give me a minute!
Olli: But Till...
Olli: Ooookay dokey...
(Till looks at his tiles, then at the board, then at Flake, then at his tiles...etc.)
Paul: -And that's the look he had when Flake put Tiger Balm in his 'Buck Dich' harness.
(Sound of tiles on board. The other Rammies gather round.)
Flake: ....'Buckstabu'...? That is not a word.
Till: Ohhh, ahhh, yyyes it is...ahhh...(He scribbles on his notepad behind his back.) –Here! (He shows them the notepad with the song 'Buckstabu'.)
Flake: All right, all right, smart boy, fine...what's it mean?
Till: Uhhh...well, anything you want it to. There should be at least ONE word for that, right? Right?!?
(He glares at the other Rammies. They glare at Olli.)
Richard (Whispering): Please, Olli, in the name of all that is good and decent, end this!
Olli *Sigh* All right, I'll allow it. (The other Rammies breathe a sigh of relief.)
Flake: Damn!
Till: Yes! Never Buckstabu with the WortMeister, skinny boy!"

*1: 'Head district chimney sweep.'
*2: 'Heating oil recoil absorber.'
*3: 'Arc welding with electrode fed by spring pressure.'
*4: 'Windshield wiper squirting device.'
*5: 'Speed limit.'
*6: 'Helicopter landing pad.'
*7: 'Twilight Of The Gods', aka The End Of The World, for you non-Wagner fans.
*8: 'The star on the hat of the Captain of the steam ship on the Four Woods Lake.'
*9: 'Beef labeling oversight transfer law.'

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