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Rammstein are going to a concert and have been standing in line for a while, when the organiser finally open the doors for the arena, and they can get in, someone has forgot their tickets...

Till: So, let me get this straight, Schneider...I'm going to miss Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Ministry, Tangerine Dream and Chris Isaak playing together for the first and only time ever because YOU autographed the tickets for that groupie with the triple 'F' cups last night and gave them to her...?
Doom (Meekly): Ja...
Till: Do you have any IDEA what I had to do to get these tickets?
Doom: ...I'm sorry...
Till: Ja, well tell that to Nele when she meets her new parents!!!
Richard: Aw, Till, you didn't...
Paul: What's the big deal? He's got fourteen more.
Olli: Wait, are you counting Franz and Franzine as one or two...?
Flake: Franz and Franzine...? Oh, right, the conjoined twins.
Till: ANYway...(Grabs Doom's hair)...I think we should give you a chance to redeem yourself, little drummer boy...Richard, did you bring your makeup kit?
Richard (Producing large steamer trunk): Ja, right here.
Doom: Aw, Till, no...
Till: Aw, Doom, yes...I believe I saw a Victoria's Secret across the street-komm!
(Till drags Doom across the street, Richard following, staggering under the weight of his makeup kit.)
Paul (Calling after): Don't forget the duct tape!
(Sobbing from Doom.)

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