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What would Rammstein Do if they were locked out of their hotel room after a night of drinking?

(Scene: The Rammies are gathered around the door of their hotel room, leaning against each other in a state of happy inebriation. Till is trying to open the door.)

Till: Coooome on, little key...find the li'l lock...*Hic*
Flake: Till... *Hic* ...they use the card thingies now.
Till (Looking at card he has been trying to fit into the keyhole for the last 20 minutes): -I knew that! *Hic* -Sho why ishn't it working...?
Olli: Mmmaybe because that's your liberry card...?
Till: I knew that! *Hic*
Doom: C'mon, Tills, I has to throws ups. *Belch*
Richard: Doomsy, you knows the drunkster you get, the more you sounds like Skwisgaar? *Giggle*
Doom: Ja, well you's sounds like Toki even when you's not drunkst!
Richard: So vhat-? *Hic* I likes Toki.
Paul: Sssso, where are we again-?
Richard: ...Toki iss cuuutes.
Olli: Latvia...I think...
Doom: Nah, Latvia don'ts gots caribou!
Flake: *Hic* What caribou-?
Doom: You saw the big caribou what wass following us down the street! Big fat one, with a- *Hic*- chimpanzee riding hims!
Flake: ...Doom...that wash Till, carrying Paul.
Doom: Oh. I wondered why's it was wearing a hairnets... *Hic*
Richard: ...I would do Toki.
Paul: Mmme, too...
Till (Pulling numerous cards out of his pocket): Ikea card...Hot Topic card...*Hic*...Schtarbuck's...STD clinic card...Scheiss, I can't find the ficking door card! Only one thing to do now...
Paul: -Go back to the Denny's til morning-?
Doom: They don't gots Dennyses in Tierra Del Fuego!
Olli: -Latvia.
Doom: *Hic*-Ja!
Till: Nnno...(Pointing under the door) Flocka-?
(Flake sighs, gets down on the floor and slides under the door. Female screaming and male shouting in Latvian is heard.)
Flake: Oh, gott...I'm sooo have no idea how sorry I am, Chancellor Merkel!
Olli: -Think thiss might possibly have a negative effect on our visa shhtatus...?
Richard: *Hic*

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