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Wineredangel will recognize some of the situations here, because her adorable 'R+ Kinder' inspired them...which is fitting, because something I said awhile ago about her Chibi Rammies apparently inspired her, which was:

Li'l Rammstein Babies!
Part 1: Meeting Baby Olli.

(Scene: Tillchen's Mutti's house. 6-year old Flakechen and Doomy and 5-year old Richie are being baby-sat by 9-year old Tillchen and 8-year old Paulchen. They are gathered in the living room, Paulchen & Tillchen are parked on the couch, keeping a watchful eye on the others. Richie is sitting between them, grooming a Barbie doll-or the East German equivalent. Flakechen is watching cartoons, wearing glasses roughly half as big as his face. A curly-locked Doomy is building something with tinkertoys-or the East German equivalent- stopping every few minutes to tap out a little rythmn with the sticks-which prompts Tillchen to say: )

Tillchen: Christoph! Stopit! I can't concentrate!
Doomy: My name's not Christoph! It's Schneider!
Tillchen: Fine, then stop it, Schneider.
Doomy: -And Christian isn't Christian, either!
Tillchen: Oh, ja? Then who is he?
Doomy: He's Flocka!
Paulchen: What does that mean-?
Doomy (Torpedoing Flakechen with a tinkertoy stick.): It's Spanish for 'skinny', cause that's what he is!
Flakechen (Without taking his eyes off the TV, throwing the stick back): Quit!
Paulchen: No throwing things!
(Doomy sticks out his tongue, out of Paulchen's line of vision.)
Tillchen (Looking at Richie and the doll): Richie...why did you want a doll for your birthday?
Doomy: Cause he's a Tunten *1!
Paulchen: Schneider! Don't make me tell your Mutti you called Richie that!
Doomy: Well, he is!
Tillchen: No, he's not. But it is...well...
Richie (Still brushing doll's hair): Is fun! Make Gigi pwetty, wike Wichie!
Tillchen (Smiling, pats Richie's head.) Ja, Richie very pretty...
Tillchen's Mutti (From other room): Tillchen! Frau Reidel is here with her baby!
(All the boys drop what they're doing and dash into the other room where Frau Lindemann and Frau Reidel are.)
Frau R (Holding a sleeping baby Olli, a rather lanky infant with a large bald head-but adorable, sucking placidly on his binky.): Thank you so much for watching Oliver for me, Tillchen.
Tillchen (Eager to hold Olli): Bitte, Frau Reidel.
(She gently deposits Olli in Tillchen's arms. The other cluster around.)
Richie (Bouncing to see, being the smallest): Wichie wan' tee beebee!
Olli: *Zzzz...*
Frau L: We'll be back at 6, boys. Paulchen, make sure they don't leave a mess. And there's a pie in the icebox, Tillchen-cut it up equally.
Tillchen (Sheepishly): Ja, Mutti...
Frau L (To Frau R): The last time, I said 'cut the pie in five pieces', and Tillchen cut four skinny little pieces and took three-fourths of the pie himself.
Frau R (Laughing): Well, he's a big boy. (She leans over and kisses Olli on his very wide forehead.) Mutti will be back soon, Leibchen.
Olli: *Yawn*
Frau L (Kissing Tillchen.) Weidersehen, Kleine Klotzig *2
Tillchen (Looking adoringly at Olli): Weidersehen, Mutti.
(The ladies depart.)
Frau R: They're all so cute together-you can tell they're going to be great friends.
Frau L: Yes, and Oliver is so good, such a quiet baby.
Frau R: Yes, it's wonderful, he sleeps right through the night.
Frau L: Now, Tillchen, he had such lungs, he'd wake up the whole neighborhood! (Laughter.) And he woke up to be fed four or five times a night...(Laughter. They leave.)
(The boys gather round Tillchen and Olli.)
Flakechen: Hallo, baby...Hallo...
(Doomy makes faces at the sound-asleep Olli, giggles.)
Paulchen: Ach, what a Schnuckiputzi.
Richie (Still straining to see): Wichie wan' tee beebee!
Olli: *Zzzzzz...*
(Till snuggles Olli a bit too hard. The other's cooing and giggling grow more obtrusive-Paulchen makes kissing noises, Flakchen tickles Olli's chin.)
Richie: Wichie wan' tee beebee!
Olli: ...?...
(Till snuggles Olli harder. Doomy beeps his nose.)
Paulchen: Coochie, coochie...
Olli: ...!...
Tillchen: (Hearts)
(The Rammies are blown backwards by the force of Olli's cry. Tillchen sits dazed, still holding onto Olli.)
Richie (On his back, legs over his head): Beebee cwy.
Olli: *Zzzzzzz...*

*1: 'Sissy'.
*2: 'Little Chunk'.

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