Chapter 24

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*Laura's POV*

'So... When are you guys leaving for Australia?' Gabriel asked.

Ketti took a bite of her sandwich. 'We just got our letters of acceptance into the university yesterday.'

'I think we should be flying off within the next week or two.' I responded.

Li Xuan squirmed in excitement. That poor girl missed Paulie like crazy, and it drove me and Ketti crazy as well, because the two of them were simply just too cute.

Eman teased Li Xuan a little. 'Aww, Paulixuan needs to happen quick!' Her faced flushed as red as a tomato.

I quickly snapped a picture and edited it.

'Boop,' Li Xuan's phone went off.

'What? I-' she unlocked her phone. 'Seriously!'

I shrugged my shoulders, smirking.

'Omg Laura!' Li Xuan leaned over Ketti's lap to grab me while I hopped onto Eman's lap and used his arm as a shield.

Sam grabbed Li Xuan's phone off the table and showed it to the rest.

@pauliemerciadez @lxjustobserving I ship #paulixuan <photo of li Xuan>

<<<fast forward>>>

'Welcome back to Australia!' Samson exclaimed as he engulfed me in a warm bear hug.

Ketti and I hugged everybody who came to pick us up, which was basically the whole of Justice Crew and their girlfriends. Li Xuan stood with the luggage, wrapped in me, Ketti and her hoodie, shivering and trying to keep warm.

'Come here,' Paulie wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

'Awww, its another Paulixuan moment!' Everybody cheered.

The pair blushed multiple shades of red.

We piled into the boys' cars and drove towards the city.

The weather was beautiful, the sun setting above the skyline and painting the sky a gorgeous orange.

I sat up in the front of Eman's car involuntarily bobbing my head to the music that was playing. I wasn't really paying attention to what was playing because I was absorbed in the stunning view of the city.

Hey girl I could take you anywhere that you like...

'We can go out any day any night,' Li Xuan sang along.

Eman raised his eyebrows at me as my eyes glittered.

'You'll see, just wait for it.' I winked.

'SO TELL ME GIRL IF EVERYTIME WE, TOUCH UCH UCH' I sang at the top of my lungs.

Ketti tapped us with her finger jamming with us.

The song eventually ended and the 3 of us calmed down, while Paulie, who was sitting next to Li Xuan, was still recovering from the wacky period that had just passed.

After 2 minutes of Li Xuan trying to get Paulie's attention, Ketti said in a hushed voice. 'If he doesn't respond to Li Xuan's whining soon, I swear I'm gonna poke her and do something about his hair.'

The moment Ketti said the word 'hair', Paulie jumped, startled. 'Don't you dare touch the hair. Nobody touches the hair.'

Ketti did a low whistle. 'Whoa boy, chill, no need to get so worked up.'

Paulie smiled slightly.

'Well, welcome back to planet Earth.' Ketti teased sarcastically.

I turned back to face the road and caught Eman smirking.

I really missed the boys.

*Li Xuan's POV*

Eman pulled up into a lot infront of a super brightly lit building. There were tons of neon coloured lights illuminating the facade and the entrance.

'We're here.' Eman announced as he turned the engine off.

Ketti read the signboard and squealed.

'Where are we?' I asked curiously.

Laura smiled and patted Ketti on the head. 'Somewhere where we've gotta keep our little cat on a leash of some sorts.'

'Ohhhh.' I finally got it. Kind of.

Paulie got out and sort of pulled me out as well, putting an arm around my waist, causing me to squirm slightly.

He let go and apologised. 'It's okay, ill get used to it.' I assured him.

We entered the club and it was my first time. I didn't know what to expect. All 3 of us were legal, but with all the studying, nobody had the time to go clubbing.

Once we got inside, I noticed that everybody was dressed up, and I immediately felt insecure.

'What's wrong?' Paulie asked.

Laura turned around and I gave her a look. She face was full of understanding. She pulled Eman's arm off her shoulder and came over to me.

Paulie looked awfully confused.

'Telepathy.' I briefly said.

Eman walked over as well and comforted me and Laura. 'Don't worry, we're not going to be staying around these people, its not really safe out here.'

Me and Laura relaxed a little and followed the boys into a private area.

Wait. Where was Ketti? I began to panic until we reached a room and sat down. Ketti was with Luke. Yes. Luke Brooks from the Janoskians. And he wasn't alone.

It was good to see all of the Janoskians again, simply because they were such funny guys.

A really pretty girl came into the room and set down a tray of small glasses with colourful liquids in them. The girl was really really pretty, but surprisingly, none of the guys paid any attention to her. Usually guys would check these kind of girls out, but in this case, they didn't. Oh well. Lukas handed the glasses out and made a toast.

'To our dearest girls, Laura, Ketti and Li Xuan!' He raised his glass and down the contents in one shot.

I looked at everybody else and they did the same. Even Laura and Ketti.

'Go on, its a shot, just try.' Paulie coaxed.

I took the shot and felt my throat burn. Gosh. Drinking alcohol sucks.

The same girl from earlier came in again with another tray of different sized glasses and I watched as Ketti helped herself to a glass of drink.

The girl offered me a glass and I sniffed it. Smelt like... I don't know. I took a sip.

Yuck! Alcohol isn't my thing. Laura didn't like it either, as I figured from the disgusted look on her face. On the other hand, Ketti was drinking what I perceived to be beer, like it was water. That girl was going to get really drunk.


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