Chapter 3

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Jane's POV

On Saturday mornin', I woke up with a good feelin'. Little did I know, it wouldn't end that way. 

I sat up in bed, stretchin' and yawing. My eyes automatically flicked do the dress my best buds had picked out for me yesterday. It was mighty purty, and hanging on my chair nearby. The dress was devishly short , a tad bit above my knees, and a pretty red color that matched my nails almost perfectly. On the left side of it, a sparkly, silver bow dived out of it. The dress was perfection, and I'd be sure to break a couple hearts tonight. 

I crawled out of my small bed and walked over to the dress, running my fingers over the fabric. It had been Maggies mom's old dress and while I was hesitant to take it, Maggie said her mom wouldn't even know it was gone. And it was beautiful so, why not? The party started at 6:30 tonight and Maggie, Janice and I would be getting a ride from one of Janice's many, many boy-toys. I hope this party isn't lame because if it is, I'd just have wasted a perfect dress. But something flipped inside my stomach, telling me this party would be good. 

When my friends' had originally told me the party was Blacks and Whites, I was about ready to just tell them off right then and there. But then the white boy with the dazzling blue eyes popped into my mind and clouded all my other thoughts. I knew then that I would go to this party to mostly satisfy my friends, but also in hopes of catching a glimpse at the white boy. It was a dumb reason but she felt as if she had to see him again, and in this dress she was gone wear tonight, he'd definetly see her.

Jane sighed at the thought of his perfectly styled, blonde, hair and adorable jaw line. His lean body and piercing blue eyes. But she needed to stop, because as much as she hoped and dreamed and prayed, that boy could never be hers.

Jane glanced at her mirror and looked at her hair, which was a horrible mess. It was as if someone had taken a lawn mower and just rode through her gentle light brown hair. She squealed and ran to the mirror, grabbing a brush and running it through her long, locks. Afterwards, it wasn't much better so Jane just groaned and put her hair into a petite and cute bun. 

Her light pink, long nightgown was taken off hastily as she plowed through her dresser looking for something better to wear. She spotted a plain, black romper and slid it on over her curvy body. It looked killer on her. Afterwards, she put on some white ankle socks and slipped some black Mary Janes on. She looked...cute.

Jane ran to the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth then she washed her face, with some basic soap. The lights in the bathroom flickered slightly as she did so. She finished her morning tasks, and headed downstairs for breakfast. Her mood was cheerful and we know why, she couldn't stop thinking about the blonde boy, even if they had only talked for a few seconds.

Patricia, Jane's mom, greeted her with a hug and laid a plate of bacon, eggs and grits on the table. Jeff, Jane's dad, waved but continued to read his magazine. 

"Good mornin', mommie!" Jane chirped happily, pouring syrup on her bacon, like she always did. It tasted yummy.

"It is a good one, ain't it," Patricia added, equally as happy as Jane, "But why's you so happy? You got plans?" Patricia asked, raising one, thin eyebrow at Jane.

Jane diverted her eyes to her food and nervously bit at her lip. She had totally forgot to metion the party to her mother, to even ask her if she could go. Patricia didn't like being notified of things this late, she'd probably tell Jane a flat "no". 

"Well..." Jane started sinking her spoon in her grits, "theresapartytonightandIreckonIreallywannago-" Jane bursted out, not taking a breath in between words. Patricia interrupted Jane, holding her hands out for her to shut up.

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