The Beast has a Heart

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The beast has a heart {{19}}

"Where is she? You're stupid I should hit you with my purse but I don't have one. Wouldn't that be a sight, you still look beautiful." Leo rambles until I pull the blanket over my head trying to ignore him.

Who would just bursts into someone's house like that? I mean seriously, and he was uninvited.

Oh wait, I do that. Carry on.

"Sorry. I'll stop." Leo says and he gently pulls down the blanket. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I really didn't know myself." I look at him over the covers.

"You've known for a while." He is surprisingly calm.

"Yes, but-I had other things to fix before I told anyone."

"Move." Leo says.

"What?" I cough. Did he tell me to move. Move where? I'm on death's door he can't tell me to move.

"Move. We are going to have one last amazing day. My treat." Leo smiles.

"No, it's fine." I shake my head and wrap myself further into the blanket.

"Too bad. Get up." He loops his arms under my legs and behind my back and carries me to my room where he drops me on my bed.

I wasn't expecting that.

"Get ready. Best outfit you have." He weakly smiles and shuts the door.

I try search around a dress, something nice, and I find one. A simple, but gorgeous blue dress I've never worn.

I take off my pajama top and try and put the dress over my head. I get dizzy and stumble; I steady myself on the the dresser.

I try to zip up my dress, but it hurts to move my arm. I raise my dress to take off my pajama short, but what I planned didn't happen. I fall over with the dress halfway on my body.

Lovely, just what I planned.

When I fell I made a loud boom, I'm not fat, It's how I fell. Honestly. Leo comes in my room and sit by my aching body.

"Leo, I'm changing." I mumble into the carpet. I'm so embarrassed at the moment.

"No, your falling over and waking up the dead." I can feel his smirk all the way over here.

"If I wasn't laying on my arm I'd smack you." I turn my head to glare at him.

"Come on." He helps me stand up again. Leo pulls the dress over my head and helps me put my pajama top back on.

The one day I decide to wear my old sports bra and hello kitty panties is the day my body decides to fail me and let me plummet to my death. In front of my very attractive friend. Who like to embarrass me, all the time.

Once my pajamas are back on and I've swallowed what's left of my pride. I walk back into the living room and curl up on the couch.

Leo sits next to me, I rest my head on his shoulder, and Jack sits in the loveseast. We watch Pretty in Pink and order Chinese.

"So what's going to happen after,

you know?" Leo looks down at me from where he sits. I move to the opposite side of the couch and look at my cousin and best friend.

"I don't know." I shrug and fiddle with the rings on my fingers.

"Do you have a will?" Leo asks me.

"Not really. I mean Jack is going to take care of my apartment. Also, I want you two to make sure they burry me in my cloak with my wand. Or cremate, what ever is cheaper." I say.

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