Fairy Godmother for Hire

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Fairy Godmother for Hire

I'm sick of being the fairy godmother to these ungrateful brats. All they do is whine about how their lives are unfair and they want to be pretty and shiny. Well not all of us can be gorgeous, sweetheart.

Everyday I go to work and see my new list people I have to interview. I've really stepped up my game since Cinderella.

Cinderella was my first client and I forgot to tell her she needed to spray a little hairspray on the inside of her shoes before she wore them so they wouldn't slip off. Kinda like beauty queens and sprayin that on their butts so their panties don't ride up. Well I forgot that small detail and the shoe fell off. I know, tragic really. But it was also a good thing because then Charming found his princess.

But seriously how stupid was he that he didn't recognize her when he saw her face, I mean it wasn't a masquerade ball. It was very obvious! He didn't need a shoe to figure it out. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Anyway. I have to interview potential clients. The 21st century has brought a hole new approach the the godmother business. Now you can submit your sob story to be chosen for a life makeover. I don't do the whole "I choose you, you sad and pathetic person".

I'm thinking of picking one last person to makeover the old fashion way. The Cinderella way. But I have to find this person. This time I'm not having people email me or write me letters. Or even having one of my four assistants find this lonely person for me. I'm gonna do it all myself. I've done this plenty of times, Cinderella was only just the biggest success story of my career.

I'm turning 530 years old in a few months. I know, the big 5-3-0. I do not want to think about the wrinkles!

I hope I can find someone really deserving of this offer. Someone who needs it and may not realize they need it. But I'm a godmother, a fairy godmother to be exact. So I feel this is going to be pretty awesome. Hey I'm hot, have wings, fairy dust and I just bought a killer new pair of heels I can accomplish anything!

P.s. I'm a little broke right now so if you could put my name out there that'd be great. Xoxo

This book is going to be a lot of fun. Please keep reading and voting!

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