Professor Glittery-Wings

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Professor Glittery-Wings. {{7}}

"Have you asked her to the ball yet?" I ask Leo for the millionth time this week.

"She has a boyfriend." He mumbles and thumbs through a magazine.

"Psh. So?" I roll my eyes. "You humans are so simple minded."

I walk back and forth in my office brain storming. Gary sits in the corner chair taking notes as I disperse them. I snap my fingers and turn to Leo.

"I got it! I'm brilliant! A genius!" I turn Gary and smile.

"Your brilliant! A genius!" He comments.

"Thank you, Gary. I always knew I was." I smile and sit at my desk.

"So what's the plan?" Leo asks entirely confused.

"Oh my dear, don't you know I love surprises." I wink.

"Well, I don't." He mumbles.


I walk the most hallowed halls of New York University. I have to say today is going to be the most fun I will have in a while. I bought a whole new outfit for the occasion. My heels walk on the marbled floors as I find the classroom.

I spot the door at the end of the hall and I pick up my pace. I wink at a few freshman along the way.

Pushing open the door and throwing my briefcase in the chair I stare at the 200+ student class. Wow, this is a big lecture hall.

"Good afternoon. I am your new instructor. My name is Professor Glittery-Wing." I write my name on the board. A few people snicker.

"Yes, that is my name. It's a family name. I'm surprised you haven't hear of my family. The Brooklyn Glittery-Wings. Very popular. Anyway today's lesson is on-" I look at my paper"-the French Revolution."

The French Revo? Boring. I was there, wasn't worth it. Complete waste of bullets and attractive French men.

"Actually, for just today, I'm changing the subject." A student in the front row raises her hand.

Aw, how brave.

"Yes miss?" I give her my attention.

"Are you aloud to change the subject?" She shakes as she asks.

"Of course I am. They don't give out these hats out to anyone." I point to my square hat on my head. I roll my eyes and lean against the front of my desk.

For a moment I scan the crowd of bright faces. Well not all bright, some look hungover and just ugly.

Sucks for them.

"What is love?" I project my voice. "Think about it for a moment.

Love is multiple things. Love is the way you feel about someone. How you show your feelings. With hugs and kisses or being with them." I sigh and cross the room.

"Love isn't only between only lovers. You can be in love with someone and also love another. You love them differently. So what is love to you?" A few raise their hands. "Please stand and say your name." I pick a boy in the back.

"I think love is when you constantly think about that person and can't imagine life without them." I nod my head and he sits back down. "Oh and I'm Jamie by the way."

A girl in the third rows stands, "Hi I'm Lucinda. Love is when you find someone and accept all their flaws. They also accept yours. Past included. It doesn't matter because you're infatuated with this person, nothing else matters." She smiles dreamily. Lucinda must have someone on her mind.

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