"Bapple" Cookies

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 My friend, bossypony98, came up with this recipe. If your horse has a sweet tooth for apples and bananas, then this is the cookie for you!


1/2 Cup flour (Plus more for later)

 Dash cinnamon

 1/4 Cup oats

 2 slices of apple (When chopped into 8 slices)

 1 inch of banana

 1 T. molasses


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (177 degrees C.) Mix flour, cinnamon, and oats in a bowl. Next, dice the 2 slices of apple and add it in the flour mixture, along with the banana and molasses. Mix until the banana is mashed and everything is mixed thoroughly. Now gradually add flour, little at a time, until the batter turns into a dough form. Then, roll out onto clean, floured surface and cut into shapes using cookie cutters or pizza cutter. Finally, place the cookies on a greased cookie sheet and bake for about 10 minutes. Let cool. ENJOY!

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