Molasses Bites

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***I have recently edited this recipe, I went to bake these for my horses, and I changed a few things, and it is MUCH better this way, these are crispy, sweet, easy to make treats for your horse, I have used these for training and they work out very well!

1 Cup of Flour

1/3 cup of Oats

1/3 cup of Molassas

 A Little Dusting of Sugar (optional)

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. (177 degrees C.) Mix all dry ingredients together, then add the Molassas, stir. The dough will seem dry at first, but keep on stirring, if needed, add 1 Tbsp. of water. Mix, with your hands form 1 inch balls and place them on a greased cookie sheet, bake for 13-15 minutes. Once baked, they may seem a little soft, but they will firm up after they cool.  Enjoy! (Can be stored in a plastic baggie)

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