Easy Carrot "Doodles"

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1/2 Cup of Shredded Carrots (about 2 small carrots)

1/4 Cup of Oats (Like quaker oatmeal oats)

1/4 Cup of Flour

1 Tablespoon of Oil (I used vegetable oil)

1 Tablespoon of Honey

1 Tablespoon of Water (if needed)


 Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. (177 degrees C). Mix the carrots, oats, and flour in a mixing bowl, then mix in the oil and honey, if there are still dry pieces of flour, add the water. On a Greased Cookie Sheet, form 1-2 inch patties out of the sticky batter and place them on the sheet. Bake for 7-8 minutes. Makes about 6 Cookies.

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