Peppermint Patties

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1 cup of oats

1/2 cup of flour

1 1/2 graham cracker rectangles, crushed

1/2 tsp. of baking soda

1/2 cup of maple syrup


 Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 degrees C.) Mix all dry ingredients before adding the wet ones, with your hands, roll a 1 inch dough ball and place on a greased cookie sheet. (*Optional* Get a pinch of flour on each patty and put 1 peppermint in the middle of the patty, this will help keep the dough from sticking to the mint). Place a peppermint (red or green striped) into the patty. If it falls apart you can use your fingers to put it together. Take the peppermint out of the patty and place on a saucer. Do this with each cookie. Bake for 8-9 mins. Once cooked, the cookies will be soft, but will slightly harden while it cools. Finally put each peppermint back in the cookie. Or just bake the dough balls by themself and put the peppermint on flat while it cools, Enjoy! (These can be stored in a plastic baggie) :D 

 *Note* This recipe does have quite a bit of sugar so don't feed your horse too many!

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