No-Bake Apple Suprise

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1 apple

 Treats that your horse loves (Oats, peppermints, honey, baby carrots, etc...)



 Knife (if you are young ask an adult to use a knife)

 Wax paper


 Lay wax paper on your work surface. Cut the top part of the apple off with the knife (The part with the stem) and set aside, do not throw away. Using the knife, cut around the core and seeds in the inside of the apple, but do not cut the skin of the apple, then use the spoon to scoop out the core as if your carving a pumpkin for halloween, this is a little tricky, so be careful. Now you have an apple 'bowl', this is the fun part! Fill the 'bowl' with your horse's favorite goodies, I often fill mine with a peppermint, a little piece of water melon, baby carrot, honey, and sometimes oats, but the sky is the limit to what you can put inside! (Just make sure the foods are safe for horses) Once you filled the 'bowl', put the top of the apple back on as if it was a lid, and your done! You have to give these to your horse almost immediatly, or your apple will brown. Enjoy!

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