chapter 7

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Getting up in the morning, I found myself on the my bed. I was still in last night's clothes. I got up and started to recollect what happened yesterday. The scarf around my neck, gave me a hint and a glance of pleasure. A smile crossed my face and I had witnessed Michael's kindness. After I brushed and had a bath, I realised it was new year today. I ran out of my room and wished my whole family. We cut a cake that mom had specially made with her best recipe in the morning itself.

It was really good that New Year is on a weekend and could go shopping. I din't for get to call up my friends and wish them. A name passed my mind - Michael. I hadn't wished him yet and I din't really thank him yesterday. I think I should bake a cake for him or something. Yea I think i'll do that. I'll take the recipe from mom. I have his address on his business card he gave me. I'll go there and hand the cake and his scarf over to him.

In the evening, I started of for his house. A thought passed my mind. What if Michael isn't at home? I mean its new year and he might have made plans for today. What if by going there, i'll disturb him? I think I should wait for two hours or so and then go to his house. Maybe he'll be home then. I sat on a bench in a park nearby his house. I din't want to go home so I thought of spending time here. I took out my phone and started browsing the internet for sometime. After I felt it was hopeless, I finally noticed the environment around me. The beautiful trees were dancing in the cool winds while many families and couples were enjoying spending time together here on New Year.

As soon as it struck 8pm, I started to approach Michael's house. As I reached the door, I rang the bell a bit nervously and hoped for him to be there. It took long for someone to open the door. I think he isn't there. A bit sadly I turned around and at that moment, someone opened the door. I turned around to see Michael in front of me. His surprised eyes mesmorised me.

"Hello Isobelle. Its a surprise to see you here." said Michael.

"Hi, Happy New Year sir." I said to him.

"Please don't call me sir. Okay?"

"Alright. "

"Oh and Happy New Year to you too, Isobelle. Please come in."

"Umm... I can't. My family would be waiting for me back home so I think I should leave. Oh and this is for you." I said handing the cake over to him.

"What this?"

"Its cake. I made it."

"Oh thanks alot! Are you sure you don't want to come in?"

"Nah. I'm kind of in a hurry. Here, I also brought your scarf. Thank you so much for yesterday. If you hadn't come then I would have no idea what would have happened to me."

"Its no problem. I'll be there when you need me."

"I should be going now."

"I guess so."

"Bye then."


Before Michael could have closed the door, his mom stopped him.

"Why don't you come in dear?" asked Michael's mom.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Mechaberg but I can't today."

"You shouldn't say no to elders now should you? So please some in."

"Alright." I said and awkwardly walked into Michael's house.


Hope you like this chapter. I kinda find it sweet. I hope your liking the book till now.  

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