chapter 8

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I looked at the living room once I stepped in. There was a common picture in all. I think that's Michael's dad. They were all from his childhood. I wonder why?

After a while I found the answer and stayed shut. Then in one of the room, I found an old lady sitting with her wool and knitting needles. I guess that's Michael's grandmother. I was told to sit next to her.

'Hello my dear. A very happy new year to you.' said the grandmother.

'With delight I wished her back, 'Happy new year to you too!'. 

She resembled my grandmother. I've never met my grandmother but i've seen her in pictures. Since I was young, I never witnessed staying with any of my grandparents. But now, its like a new start. It's like i'm still young and i'm meeting my grandmother for the first time. I'm going to treasure this moment. Don't know when i'll get the chance to meet her again.

'Your a very sweet girl.' said grandmother.

I smiled shyly and said, 'Thank you.'

'You look very hardworking. I hope you get all the happiness and success in the world.' said grandmother.

'Thank you so much.' I said and gave her a hug. I had tears in my eyes too. Can't believe how emotional I can get sometimes!

Then we left the room leaving grandmother to rest. We settled down in the living room where the conversation with Mrs.Mechaberg started.

'I've heard alot about you, Isobelle.' said Mrs.Mechaberg.

'Heard?' I asked in shock.

'Your excellent skills and determination in work. My son tells me everyday how loyal you are.'


'Thank you for the cake. It's going to make our day. We usually cut a cake every New year but this time the cake shop was closed and I was a little too lazy to make one.'

'Oh I see. I did an absolutely right thing for baking a cake!'


Then she took me into her room, wanting to talk to me personally.

'Well, Isobelle, your the only one who's brought about change in my son. Since, an incident, he had become rude and depressed but but now I see him getting lighter and more cheerful. It's all because of you. Thank you so much.' said Mrs.Mechaberg.

'It's because of me?' I asked.

'Yes it's because of you.'

'But really, don't thank me. I din't do anything.'

'Maybe you din't realise what your doing. But dear, promise me you'll keep my son happy like how he is now. '

'I promise.'

'Thank you.'

After that I started my way back home. After I had dinner with my family, I went straight to my room. I thought about the promise I made with Mrs.Mechaberg. I did promise her but I don't know if i'll be able to to it. I mean how am I suppose to keep Michael happy. I don't his likes and dislikes at all. I don't even know his personality that well. I actually haven't even tried studying it. But besides that, Mrs.Mechaberg mentioned the 'incident'. I totally forgot ask her what it was! I don't know who I should ask now. Should ask Mrs.Mechaberg or Michael himself. I think Mrs.Mechaberg would be the right one to ask. I don't want to take a risk on making Mihael remember the 'incident' if it was an undesired one.


Well from this chapter onwards, a few secrets and pasts will be relieved. Keep reading and stay updated. I wish everyone likes this book. It's the next part of Crystal love. I know most of you'll liked Josh and Miranda. I hope you'll like Michael and Isobelle too. Of course they'll be a few more people who you'll be taking into importance.

See you next chapter then! Till then, please Vote,Comment, Promote, Fan....


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