XVII - Panic Cord

683 27 17

To: cassidysomers09@quickmail.com
From: lola.aloha15@quickmail.com
Date: 3 April 

Lola: Hey! How you doing? 


Cassidy: I should be asking you that ?? I'm doing OK! Sure, I'm piled up to my ears in assignments but yeah, otherwise my cold, dead soul is doing surprisingly good. How has your sexual escapades been going with Carter? ;)


Lola: Cass pls.


Cassidy: I'm just saying! You've been awfully invested in figuring her out lately.


Lola: I told you, I'm just curious!


Cassidy: Bi-curious? ;)


Lola: -_-


Cassidy: OK OK! Fine, you're as straight as a toothpick! Happy now? Now what have you found out about her? It's not like I have anything even remotely exciting going on in my life. . .


Lola: Aw, you poor unfortunate soul.


Cassidy: Gimme the details you selfish bitch.


Lola: Lawd. . . When was the last time you got any??


Cassidy: OK you're definitely hiding something, normally you'd be over the fucking moon ready to talk about Carter. What the hell happened?


Lola: Nothing! . . . I just feel a little guilty for prying so much, I mean, she's pretty guarded. 


Cassidy: Has to be for a reason.


Lola: Maybe that reason will be revealed some other time. I mean, bringing up the past seems to really upset her, wouldn't want her to sick any of her gangbanger friends on me.


Cassidy: Gang what now? This Brooklyn life sounds so exciting, must be fun living in DUMBO."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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