IV - Begging For Thread

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IT WAS NEARING THE END OF the work day and the flow of customers were starting to get lesser and lesser in the diner. We closed at nine and it was now getting close to eight thirty. In a sense, a diner was a lot like a bar, minus the alcohol. It was like a bar in the sense that you always had sad people coming in at some point to share their sorrows with you, but instead of sharing over a frith of vodka, they would be sharing over a cup of coffee or maybe even a plate of chicken fajitas. This was around the time where all the sad saps came in to discuss their woes, confess a secret or two, or just sink into their self-pity before strolling out and making their way to the bar down the road where they would – no doubt – tell the same story to the bartender.
I was sitting in the back room once again after I had cleaned up about fifteen different kinds of messes. Whether it be spilled coffee from one of the patrons, meal carriage gone wrong, or a mini food fight brought on by the immature lot of the patrons from the nearby high school. Not to mention the constant cleaning of tables after a customer leaves. Cleaning this much served to annoy me everyday, but it was all I had to make money right now. If any other option came up for me, I'd quit in a heartbeat, much the Miles' chagrin. After a while of sitting back in my chair, feet crossed and eyes closed in silent contemplation, I decided to go empty the garbage in the kitchen, just so I didn't have to do it later, and maybe stare at Lola's ass in those jeans. I hadn't got the chance to talk to her again after today's incident with Miranda, and maybe she'll be in the kitchen because it was usually Miranda out by the counter entertaining patrons and humoring their conversations.

I walked up the hall and entered through the kitchen door and saw quite an amusing sight. Jermaine stood in front of Lola, a slightly frustrated expression on his face, if he wasn't a black guy I'm sure there would be a more noticeable blush on his face. Felix was leant against the counter, trying his best to hold back a laugh as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

"Man, why you gotta be all..." He started, "I just asked a question, that's all, and you gotta be all. . ." Here Jermaine provided an indecipherable mime that gave no idea to the missing word.

I chuckled as I entered the kitchen fully, walking over to Felix.

"What'd I miss?" I asked, leaning against the counter, smiling at the scene.

"Well, Lola just asked J to pull up his pants," he laughed, mimicking my position, "But before that, he asked her why she she was so detached or somethin'"

"I think we should invite her to the Drunken Sailor with us," I said smirking at her, as she looked up at Jermaine, still managing to make him feel small under her silver gaze. The Drunken Sailor was a bar not too far down the road where we'd all hang out after work, and where Felix and I would pick someone up most nights for a good time. It was something of a tradition for the Two Hats crew; after a long day, we blow off some steam down the street, maybe blow through some girls.

"You're thinking about something," he stated, rather than asked, looking over at me with a grin.

"Lola." I said simply, looking at her as Jermaine gave in and pulled his pants up to rest on his waist. He walked off grumbling, hands in his pockets as Lola had a small triumphant smile on her face. She looked Felix's and my way briefly and was about to walk over to a few dirty dishes in the sink but her phone began to ring. She quickly reached into her apron pocket and took out her phone, her eyes bulging slightly as she looked at the screen then walking through the back door and down the hall.

"So...Lola?" Felix asked me, looking at me scrutinizingly then smiled, "Didn't you learn from what happened with Miranda?"

I chuckled lightly as I remembered a slightly similar situation, but with Miranda. I had been infatuated and lusting after her when she got here a few months ago. Inviting her to come along with Felix, Jermaine and I to the bar. After a while of talking to me, I had managed to seduce her, right into bed with me the same night. The only difference between the two is that Miranda wasn't as standoffish as Lola, and certainly Lola wasn't as crazy to think that we would be in a legitimate relationship after a night of sex. At least, I hoped not.

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