XIV - Bloodstream

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I WALKED THROUGH THE GLASS doors of the large building and started looking around. Everything that surrounded me in this psych clinic was supposed to make me feel open and safe and sheltered but I only felt stifled by the officious paintings of meadows, forests and smiling babies hugging puppies. I wasn't quite sure what door Felix's friend was behind so I wandered further down the hallway and approached a receptionist desk. The woman's back was turned in the large chair as she searched through a file cabinet. I observed for a moment and either out of sheer boredom or simply something natural in me, I decided to cause a little trouble.

"Hey cutie, a little help?" I smiled smugly and leaned on the desk.

"You'd think in this day and age we'd have a more modern filing system, but no." To my surprise a very well dressed young man with a pencil tucked behind his ear turns around in the large swivel chair and faces me with pursed lips, studying the contents of a folder. He finally glances up at me much to my chagrin and gives me a once over. "And you're cute, but definitely not my type, babe,"

"You don't really have the parts I work with either, babe," I said mimicking his sassy tone of voice.

He hummed out a small laugh and returned his attention to the folder. "Who are you here to see?"

I went into my back pocket and took out a crumpled slip of paper with the doctor's name scribbled on it. "Uh, a Doctor LoManto?" 

"Third door down this hall," He pointed to the hall on the left of the desk and swiftly answered the phone that started ringing. I replaced the paper in my pocket and started walking down the identified hall. I promised Felix that I would give this therapist a try, at least once, and after what happened on Wednesday, maybe I owe it to myself to give another pretentious asshole a chance to help me.

"Carter? Where the hell are you, punk?" I heard Felix's voice ring out from the front door as I sat on the toilet reading an article on my phone.

"I'm taking a shit, hold on will ya?" I got up off the seat and flushed, then washed my hands. I was finished twenty minutes ago, but it's not like I had anything better to do. I emerged the bathroom and saw him sitting on the couch watching television, or at least trying to as he channel surfed pointlessly.

"We have shit cable, what the hell are you looking for?" I said coming up behind him and hopping over the back of the couch to take a seat next to him and took out my phone. "Did you know bad handwriting by doctors is responsible for like, seven thousand deaths every year? I mean, that's insane, right? Why do all doctors write for shit? Is that a class in med school? Shitty writing 101."

"Trying to change the topic." He said rather than asked but his tone of voice indicated that it was a question. I looked over at him and sighed in defeat. There's no way to get around Felix, he's known me for far too long.

"Alright, you got me. What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I placed my phone down and turned to him anxiously awaiting my sentence for losing my shit earlier today.

"What happened today, Carter?" He asked looking at me with a troubled expression. 

"You know. . . What happened already Fee," I said averting my gaze. I could never face him consistently in this conversation. "so why ask?"

"Because you really do need help Carter, remember that friend of mine in Flushing I told you about?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"I called her on the way home, I set an appointment for you. It's one on one --"

"What the fuck Fee?" I looked at him dubiously, "How about letting me go on my own time?" I almost yelled at him as I stood up in defence.

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