VI - In Between

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Date: 1 March

Hey Cass, so today was my first day on the job and it was... Interesting to say the least. Sorry I couldn't reply until now, it was hell to settle in. I won't even get into how awful my landlord is right now because it's not even worth rambling on about that vein in his forehead, I trust that it will pop in due time (was that too morbid? You always said I should joke about my problems). Anyways, first day at that diner today, Two Hats, fascinating staff they have there.

So I have like, four people working with, there's Felix, Jermaine and Carter, oh yeah, and Miranda. Oh yes, that fiery redhead, she is certainly matching that hair of hers, loud, gets lots of attention and hot-headed. Bet you'd like to hear this part; first day and I'm already making enemies. For some reason, this Miranda girl has it out for me and I'm not sure why, she tripped me today with a platter of pancakes (no, I didn't "hit the bitch" because I know you're gonna say that), and then had to nerve to say I was a klutz!!!! Are you seeing these exclamation marks?!!!! Me? A klutz?! No. Anyways, in no uncertain terms, I told her not to mess with me, in that civil way my parents taught me to approach my problems (I strongly believe that you would tell her in no uncertain terms to "back the fuck off or she's about to catch these hands"). Needless to say, I think she'll lay off of me at least.

Now here comes Jermaine. Nice, tall dark and handsome guy, a little scruffy and for some reason he batters the English language, all of that is fine by me, and he seems sweet but, I swear, his pants seem to be allergic to his waist because it is anywhere but there! Now, I'm not usually one to judge someone's sense of style but, I was getting seriously distracted by his colourful fairly odd parents boxers (I don't even know why my boss allows this to happen!) Anyways, I told him to pull his pants up after he had the nerve to ask why I was so 'detached' I mean, am I a detached person? Reserved maybe, detached sounds so... Ugly. Give me a break will ya? I'm trying to get out of this 'I was sheltered and home-schooled by my parents' phase. It takes some time. Yes, I know it's been five years. I still need more time. And as you always say when I ask why you slept with Romeo again, "old habits die hard". Checkmate!

Anyways, on to Felix! (Oooh, and get ready, it's getting good!) Felix is probably the only person I haven't had a lewd/petty altercation with...yet. Which is nice, at least I can say I'm stable with someone so far. Fairly tall, boyishly messy brown hair, friendly smile, a real Ken doll, Cass. He seems really nice, and that's really all I can say about him. Probably, maybe, just a tad bit flirty with the customers but I'll let it fly, it's none of my business anyway (where's my tea?). But he seems to be close to (here it comes!) Carter.

Now Carter here, really made a... Lasting first impression. Now can you believe she just waltzed up and started flirting with me?! I just walked in, not even two minutes in, and I'm already being hit on! She's not even subtle about it! To make things worse, she was wearing these douchebag ray bans. Oh, and she thinks she can fool me with her pitying tactics? Nope, I just went along for the sake of peace while working there. (OK, maybe I fell for it a little bit, she seemed genuinely sorry for hitting on me!). But, let me tell you, they – Felix, Jermaine and her (thank god Miranda wasn't there!) – invited me for a drink to celebrate my first day (to be nice I accepted) and things got awkward... Real fast! I mean, oh god Cassidy, they started talking about... Strap-ons...I shudder thinking about it.

I mean, one, I'm straight for Christ's sake! And two, we both know I'm gonna forever be this clueless 24 year old virgin. But, my GOD Cass, she was touching my thighs! And making direct eye contact! And smirking at me! I mean, sure, maybe if I was even a little gay I might've found her SOMEWHAT attractive, I mean, tell me what you think of a medium length dark haired, green eyed, wise-cracking, rude, smoker! You know how much I hate smoking. I don't even know how her lips aren't in a dilapidated, dry state yet with all that...puffing that she does. She came onto me again while walking me home, this girl just doesn't quit! And she calls me stupid generic names like pumpkin!!! I swear, I need to lay some ground rules for this delusional, illogical girl!... I'm not quite sure how to go about that yet, I'm hoping you'll let me know what to do, I'm as clueless as ever, and even more socially inept when it comes to these things.

Anyways, it's like, almost 11, so I'm gonna get to bed. I'll tell you the drama with my parents some other time, but this was today. Stay tuned!

LoL xxx


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