VII - Everything Stays

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THE MYSTERY BRUNETTE ON my bed lay sprawled out; a position I'm very familiar with – legs still spread apart, hair splayed across the pillow, chest heaving, her hands holding onto the pillow as well. "That was the best sex I've had in years." She said turning to look at me, still out of breath. I was sitting by my bay window, smoking a cigarette, blowing the carcinogenic fumes outside so I didn't affect the woman in bed.

"Yeah well, that's sex with me sweetie," I replied absentmindedly. Getting lost with staring out the window, looking at the billions of twinkling stars above. I took another draw from my smoke and blew the cloud out, fogging up my view of the lights.

"My husband never made love to me like that." She said dreamily. At that point my eyes grew wide and I swung my head around so fast to face her I thought I had gave myself whiplash.

"Sweetie nothing about tonight was love, so we certainly didn't make it." I said solidly, looking at her intently so she saw that I was serious. "We fucked. That's it." Her having a husband didn't surprise me in the least. This wouldn't be the first time a married woman decided that she was going to turn me into a homewrecker. I only hoped that she didn't have children, no child deserves to watch their family fall apart... The way I watched mine fall to pieces. She looked too young to have children anyway.

"Oh I know, I was just saying. . ." She lamented.

"You should go," I said, "go home to your husband, maybe you can show him a few tricks now." I half smirked, turning to look out the window once again.

"Are you alright?" She asked, I could hear her sit up in my bed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm actually fine." I replied, my gaze unmoving from the lights in the sky.

"Really..." She got up and walked over to me. I could imagine her hips swaying in that sexy way, "because you look like you could use the company tonight," she said seductively, rubbing my bare shoulders with her cold hands. I don't know what this girl is trying to pull but if there's anything I need right now it's to be alone, like I always am at the end of the night.

"Seriously, leave cupcake," to emphasize my point, I blew a cloud of smoke into the room, "I wouldn't wanna damage your lungs,"

She hissed exasperatedly and walked away from me, "fine," a word I've heard a thousand times, "but at least take my number... You know, should in case you want another good time," I could hear the cocky smirk in her voice.

I lulled over my thoughts for a moment before resigning to the idea. "Phone's on my nightstand, save it as booty call."

"I'd like to think you have more respect for me than that, Carter."

"I'd like to think you'd have more respect for your husband too, but I guess we're both wrong." I clapped back, holding back my shit-eating grin long enough to look serious.

"Whatever, Carter." She huffed as she pulled on her dress and heels before elegantly storming out my room.

At least she didn't slam the door.

Putting out my cigarette, I sighed with relief and walked over to my bed and checked my phone for the time. 11:34pm. I quickly opened contacts afterwards to see if she actually put her number into my phone, and much to my amusement, she did.

Booty call (Cassandra).

Of course she only put her name in brackets because she saw that I had at least six other booty calls saved in my phone.

I chuckled softly to myself and tossed my phone to the side then lay in the middle of my bed. I closed my eyes hoping sleep would take me to another day but each time I closed them I was only plagued by nightmarish visions of my father, beating me, his belt buckle slashing my back and face. Even after all these years, these events still loomed in my mind like the heavy clouds in the sky of New York during winter.
Father has never left my thoughts ever since the day I ran away. The torment and abhorrent fear and terror kept the thoughts inside of me. I wanted to shut my eyes again but I couldn't, not with the vision of my nightmares behind my eyelids. I got up off the bed and sauntered down the hallway numbly, opting for the bathroom and my medicine cabinet. Maybe a couple of these can help for tonight. I thought hopefully, God knows I haven't had nearly enough pussy.

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