He comments about your weight *PART 1*

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"Are you really wearing that tonight?" Harry asked you, looking up and down your body questionably.

Tonight was the fury awards show you were going to with Harry, you looked through your closest for hours trying to fin the perfect outfit, "I was planning on it," you say, "what's wrong with it?"

"Oh, nothing. You look fine kitten," Harry lied, but you could see right through it.

"Harry don't, just tell me why my outfit is so bad," you ordered but honestly didn't want to know the answer.

"I just think that, well. A girl your size shouldn't be showing that much," He said.

A girl your size? Is he serious right now? you were actually confident with what you were wearing, but someone has to ruin your self esteem just like high school all over again, "I think II'll just stay home tonight, alright." You say, you just didn't want to start crying in front of him. or worse in front of everyone at the awards show.

"Ok.... I'll be home soon," He smiled before leaving, not even glancing back at you, as soon as you watched the door click shut, you cried and cried. You were never good enough for anyone and now you weren't good enough for him.

"You're getting a little thin (Y/N)," Louis said. Your heart started beating fast, you didn't want him to find out, not yet anyway.

"I started working out a bit, you know running and stuff, I feel pretty good," you lied, hoping Louis couldn't see past it.

"Are you sure? You're just running? You look way to thin to have ran for a month and lost that much weight," he said.

"I have a fast metabolism, what can I say?" you tried to joke but Louis wasn't interested.

"You need to tell me what's going on," he stated, but you weren't ready.

"Maybe you should stop with the Nando's," Niall said poking your stomach, "You're starting to eat more than me!"

You had never really cared when people commented about your appearance or weight, you just brushed it off and moved on. Maybe it was something about the way he said it...? Or maybe because he was your boyfriend...? But his comment made you feel insecure about your weight, like you were too fat...

"II'm not even hungry," You laughed putting the food back in the bag, "I'll save it for later." You said walking to the fridge and put it in, you walked to your room and looked at yourself in the mirror, you were fat. You had never thought this way about yourself before, ever.

you were going to an awards show with Zayn. You had looked for the perfect dress the entire day with your best friend. It was a little black dress, even though you were a bit insecure about your thighs and stomach she assured you you looked beautiful.

Zayn walked down the stairs looking like a supermodel, like usual. A big smile sprawled across his face, but the smile soon faded as he scanned your body up and down, "You're wearing that?" he asked questionably.

"Yea, I spent the whole day looking for it! What's wrong with it?" you asked.

"I just think that if you dropped a few pounds you would look like a perfect 10 in the dress!" he said honestly, well at least he was being honest...

"Actually II'll stay home tonight, II'm not up for crowds an loud voices tonight, and I don't want any hate, alright?" You said pushing back the years that threatened to spill from your eyes.

"Alright boo. I'll see you when I get back! Love you," He said walking out the door, you couldn't get yourself out of that dress fast enough. You hung it in the closet hoping in the near future you'd be able to wear it. You know, once you were good enough for him, you wanted to have the body Zayn wanted you to have, a perfect 10 body. You wouldn't stop until you achieved that.

"Babe you look great but honestly, this whole losing weight thing is getting out if hand," Liam said looking at your body up and down, wear you could see the gap between your thighs and you hip bones.

"Nonsense! II'm alright," you lied, you couldn't believe how long you'd been doing this, and how much it was hurting you.

"No really, you're getting too thin. Are you sure you're all right?" He asked.

"Of course I'm all right! I couldn't be better, And calling someone too thin, can be taken as an insult so watch your words," you said. You just didn't want to talk about getting thinner anymore.

"I- I'm sorry?" He said looking away from you, but he was right, it was getting out of hand, to the point where you couldn't control it anymore...


I know this is a sensitive topic but I wanna talk to you all about body image... It shouldn't matter to anyone what your size is, so what you don't weigh 80 pounds? If your weight matters to someone they aren't worth it, because you are beautiful in every way, and I hope you know that <3 and I know, in grade 6 blah blah blah people called me anorexic, and I thought being super thin was good, but it still hurt that people were making fun if my weight. So it is also bad if you call people anorexic because you're still making fun of someone's weight and its not nice. Im sorry, I'm just so deep right now.

I have like 6 1/2 hours to sleep *sigh* but I'm here writing for you guys.. I literally stay up till 2 am reading fan fictions... an hacking into my friends accounts and putting Larry smut and The Wanted fanfics in their reading lists...... XD I'm so mean :p

I love Dark fanfic but I hated After 0.O anyone got any good fanfics? Or do you want me to read yours since I have nothing better to do?

Everyone is messaging me and asking If I have a boyfriend. Like no, I wish. Im too ugly for that :/

Meh... Talk to all you swag muffins next chapter ;P

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