Do you ever.....

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HARRY: "Do you ever think about what it would be like if one of you hadn't auditioned?" You ask as you both sit awake in bed at midnight.

"A lot actually, I mean if one of us didn't go, Everything could have been different. Now, I can't even imagine what it would be like to not do this, well it would be nice to be able to go out withour being stopped but I'm living my dream and I like it that way," He smilde at you.

"Mmm hmm," You say listening intently.

"I just, I hate thinking about it. But I just do, because one of us not going could have changed everything and I hate the thought of not doing this," He continued.

"Life is pretty amazing for you isn't it," You laughed.

"It is, but don't tell anyone. It would be nothing without you," He whispered.

LOUIS: You and Louis had been dating for 2 years now, and today was your aniversary. You were snuggled together on top of a hill where you both go all the time.

"Do you ever think about your future?" You asked him randomly.

"A little bit," He said.

"What do you imagine?" You ask.

"Well, a pretty wife, maybe 3 kids a really happy family. A big house in the country with lots of space, and a dog, prefferably named Rocco," He said and you laughed.

"Well I hope one day you get what you've been planning for," You smiled.

"I'll only ever need one thing though," He said.

"And being clueless as ever, "What's that?"

"You," He said and kissed you gently on the nose.

NIALL: "Do you ever think about what it would be like if we never met?" You asked Niall, after you just made up after a fight.

"Yes, I have," He said.

"Do you think it would have been better?" You ask, chocking on your words, trying not to start crying again.

"Of course not. We get in fights and we have disagreements we may say we hate each other but by the end of the day we're cuddling on the couch and saying that we love each other, I don't care how big of a fight we get into, I'll always be saying 'I love you' by the end of the day," He smiled.

"And I'll be saing 'I love you too," You laugh.

"Good, because I'll always love you, not matter what, I can't even imagine what it would be like if we had never met," He said.

"Me neither, I hope we never split up, because.... I don't know what I would do," You admit.

"Don't worry about that, it's never going to happen. Well it wouldn't be done by me because without you, I wouldn't even be able to funtion," He said.

ZAYN: You and Zayn were laying on the beach, you remember when you were both little growing up together in Bradford. He looked quite different now.

"Have you ever thought about your soul mate, you know... the person you're going to marry?" You asked him.

"Yea," He smiled, "And I think I already found her."

Your heart dropped when he said this, you had liked him for a long time even though you were only ever just friends, "Yea?"

"Yea, she's gorgeous, funny, smart, rebellious, caring, sweet, she's perfect," He smiled.

"Good for you," You said trying to sound happy.

"And you know what?" He asked.

"What?" You answer.

"She's laying next to me," He smiled and reached to intertwine your fingers together.

LIAM: You were studying, it was super boring but you had to, Liam was watching you as you read through the pages of your text book, "Do you ever want to just get up and leave? Like go away for a few days?" Liam asked you suddenly.

"All the time," You laughed flipping the page.

"Then lets do it. You and me, lets drive for a few days, no suitcases no nothing. Lets just go," He said.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yes of course silly," He said and pulled you out of the chiar.

"Are you ready?" He asked as you walked out to the car and got in.

"Lets go," You smiled as you drove off for a few days together. <3


Just got back from the school dance and I had a lot of fun!! Haha, I was in a good mood so I wrote something for you guys and girls (because I'm not sexist) I'm tired so goodnight... or good morning, or afternoon, or evening. PS DON'T BE GRAPE RACIST. I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO HAVE A GOOD REAST OF THE DAY/NIGHT.

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