First word (Raph)

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You and your daddy were in the kitchen, trying to get you to say your first words.

Raph: Daddy, say daddy (y/n)

You: *stick your tongue out*

Raph: Again? You stick out your tongue for the fifth time already, come on say daddy, I know you can do it.

You: *blows a raspberry*

Raph: Uugh, why are you so stubborn.

Donnie walks in with Mikey.

Donnie: Well apparently she gets her stubbornness from you

Mikey: Yeah haha, besides we wonder where you get your stubbornness too haha

Raph: *gives a death glare to Mikey then turns back to you* Come on (y/n) I know you can do it.

Mikey: *Pushes Raph away* Ooooo, you're teaching her to say her first word, say Raphie lil' dudette, Ra-phie

Raph: *pushes Mikey back* No no, say daddy, just daddy my baby girl.

Mikey: Say Raphie dudette say Ra-phie

Raph: No, say da-ddy not Raphie say daddy

Donnie: haha (y/n) say Raphie

Raph: Donnie!?

Leo: *walks in* What's wrong Raphie?

Raph: Shut up Leo!

Mikey: Raphie Raphie Raphie Raphie

Raph: *grabs Mikey* I'll teach you a lesson for calling me Raphie!

You: D-Da

Raph: *lets go of Mikey and goes over to you* Yes baby girl, say daddy, come on say daddy

You: D-Da........... Raphie!!!

Mikey,Leo&Donnie: *Bursts out laughing*

Raph: *starts chasing Mikey around the lair*

You: Raphie, Raphie, Raphie!!!

Sorry that haven't been updating I've been busy with school and I kinda had writers block so here's to make it up and hopefully and I'll try to get more updated next weekend and if there's any mistakes sorry for that too

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