First baby steps(Leo)

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f/t= Favorite toy

Normal POV:

You were in the dojo where your daddy, Leonardo, is at practicing with his katanas. You watched as when he was practicing his ninja skill moves. Everytime he would look at you, he would make funny faces to make you smile or even giggle, which you did, making him smile. After he was done he picked you up and grabbed one of your (f/t). He took you into the living room and then turned on the tv to watch Space Heros. You were glued to the tv screen as did Leo. After awhile, you didn't notice that your dad was gone until the show ended. You looked around and you only saw Mikey with his headphones again and eating pizza like always. so you started to look for him. You crawled on to the couch to get a better view, but saw nothing. You carefully climbed down the couch and then you crawled around and you found a door that leads you to dojo. So you crawled the tiny space that was left. you saw your dad sitting in a weird position and had his eyes closed. You made your normal baby sounds to see if he would pay attention to you, but he stayed the same position. So you decided to give him a surprise. You tried standing up, using the wall as support, but a couple of tries you would fallon your little tiny butt. Until you got it, you balanced yourself and call you dad again to see you, but still nothing. So you decided to let go and try walking towards your daddy. You kept falling down but you haven't given up at not that you're almost halfway. You called dad once more and when he opened his left eye to see what you're doing, he had eyes wide open. He watched that you were having your first baby steps. And again you fell on your little butt.

Leo: Come on (y/n) you can do it baby princess

You looked at your dad being happy that he was cheering for you. So you tried your best not to fall again. Then eventually, you finally made it to Leo with open arms to catch you in case you fell. You landed in his arms and then he picked you up and hugged you.

Leo: That's my baby princess, always do your best.

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