When he gets to keep you (Mikey)

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Mikey quietly went into the lair since you were fast asleep and he didn't want to wake you, he was then heading for his room. But Mikey being Mikey, he went straight into the kitchen to get some pizza. He had one hand to carry you and the other to eat pizza with. Then he wanted to play video games, so he laid you down on the couch and kissed your forehead. He played video games for about maybe an hour and a half, he would try hard not to scream or yell when he would win/ lose his game, since you were sleeping. After he was done, he looked over at you and smiled when you were starting to wake up. You rubbed your eyes with your tiny hands and looked at your new dad. He tickled under your chin which made you laugh, you grabbed one if his fingers and started to chew on them. He smiled then picked you up in his arms. He took you into the kitchen again to grab another slice of pizza or two. Then he had an idea, he wanted to show you icecream kitty. So he places you down on the table and brought out icecream kitty and placed her in front of you. Of course, he didn't know you so she hissed at you. You just blinked and pulled him into a hug. At first she was trying to get away but then she slowly returned the affection. Mikey smiled but then he heard noises so he pulled you behind his back to hide you. It was Raph going into the kitchen to get another lettuce leaf to feed Spike.

Raph: What the shell are you doin here, let me rephrase that, what are you doing here?
Mikey: You know um gettin pizza.
Raph: Ok so why isn't your face stuff with pizza?
Mikey: Welllll, you know just takin a break.
Raph: You really think that I'm gonna believe that you're taking a break from pizza? And why do you have both of your hands behind your back?
Mikey: No reason.
Raph: You're either hiding something or its another one of your pranks.
Mikey: It's nothing really.

Before Raph could speak again, you climbed up Mikey's shell and over his shoulder and looked straight at Raph. Raph looked at you and then at his brother. Mikey looked at you and smiled nervously at Raph.

Mikey: Its just an illusion ooooo*moving his arms around and starts circling Raph*
Raph: *smacks Mikey on the back of his head* Miket I know it's a baby and where the heck did you get her?

Donnie walked in so did Leo and Master Splinter.

Mikey: Okay Okay, I found her *takes you off his shoulder and holds you close to him*, well actually I saved her from the foot and I tried saving her mother too but..... She got taken away and I couldn't stop the van in time......, and I promised her that I would take care of little (y/n)
Leo: Look Mikey, I know you're trying to do the right thing but what makes you think you're-
Mikey:- Leo I made a promise to her mother I'm not gonna abandon her!, she trusted me and me only, what would you do if you promised her to take care of little (y/n)!!

You started to cry when Mikey was yelling at his brother, so he tried to calm you down. Leo was shocked about him getting yelled at from his little brother.

Mikey: Master Splinter please I can't take her back, who knows what the Foot are gonna do to her, please can she stay with me, with us?
Master Sp: My son you were very noble and courageous for saving (y/n) and tried to save her mother as well. Since she can not be returned to her mother, she may stay here with us, but I must warn you that taking care of a baby is a really big responsibility, but you mustn't worry, we will all help.

With that Master Splinter left into his room.

Raph: Great, now will have another Mikey to take care of.
Mikey: You see that my little dudette I get to keep you

Mikey lifted you up in the air and started kissing your cheeks which made you giggle then you left your own little kiss on his forehead making him smile.

I hope this makes up for when I didn't update but there you go and your welcome and sorry for the long wait bye....

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