When he saves you(Raph)

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Like any other day, after an argument with Leo. Raph went out to clear his mind. Just looking around then he decided to beat up some Purple Dragons. He kept looking around but nothing, but still kept looking and searching. After an hour of searching he decided to go home before he gets into more trouble. Until he heard a crashing and breaking sounds. So he turned around and ran towards the noise hoping it was something he could beat up and take out all of his anger. But it was actually two parents fighting and throwing stuff. So Raph stayed behind just in case things got a little out of hand. Until one of the parents grabbed you and threaten to let go of you. The woman pleaded not to and to let you go. But the man had other plans and continued to argue more. When finally the woman decided that she was leaving the man and went out the door.
???: It's because of you, that I fucking lost her.
He grabbed you and threw you out the window. Raph jumped out, slid and caught you just before you hit the ground. You were so frightened, you cried your eyes out. Raph cradled you and hugged you even though he was laying down. He then noticed that you had soft (h/c) and (e/c) and super soft (s/c). He looked up and then he saw a tv being thrown out the same window. So Raph moved out of the way and held you tight, he looked up at the window glaring at the man who threw you. He looked back at you and smiled. You were fast asleep in his strong arms.
Raph: You know, he doesn't deserve you, you'll be my little princess (y/n). Yeah that sounds nice. My princess (y/n).

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