A Book About Pirates

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A/N: I wrote this story in June 2000, when I had just turned 5 years old. I hadn't gone to school yet, and so hadn't had any instruction in even writing my name at the time I wrote this. I told my mom this story. She wrote it out for me and I copied it onto another paper. I remember this to be a torturous experience and can't believe I actually wanted to be a writer after this. Writing was just too much work! Haha 😉😁 I added ridiculous looking pictures to this story, but all in all, it's still one of my favorite things I've ever written, and the one I'm most proud of, I think. At the end of summer 2000, I read this book to my Girl Scout troop. I also brought it to show-and-tell in the second grade and the teacher's assistant was nice enough to laminate it for me. So now it's going to last forever. ☺🌹 It's not as charming without the actual book (you're missing my wonderful grammar errors and messed up drawings), so it's okay if you don't love it like I do. Still, here it is.

There was once two pirate ships. One was named Giant Trap and the other was The Aligator. Both ships had 18 pirates each. When the two ships weren't sailing the high seas, they both were living on Sea Island. But the captains couldn't get along. They were always fighting over each other's gold. Red Beard was the captain of the Giant Trap and Black Dog was the captain of The Aligator. They both thought that the other was stealing their gold. Finally one day a pirate ship named The Blue Ghost came to Sea Island. Patty the pirate was the captain of this ship. Now when Patty saw Red Beard and Black Dog fighting it made her sad. So Patty said, "Red Beard and Black Dog, if you quit your fighting I will share my treasure with both of you." And they lived happily ever after. The End!

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