2 Worlds Collide

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2 Worlds Collide

A girl named Emma was walking in the forest. She found a pretty little unicorn. She named him Sparkle.

Emma carefully lifted herself up onto the unicorn's back. The unicorn did nothing. Emma kicked Sparkle's side gently. He shot forward.

Suddenly, a dragon appeared. He was very scary looking. Sparkle ran as fast as he could, knocking Emma off.

Emma got on her feet and ran. The dragon was getting closer and closer to her.

Just then, a race car zoomed around the corner, coming almost out of nowhere. “Hop in!” Teresa, the driver, yelled. Emma obeyed and climbed in the car.

“We need to defeat the dragon!” Teresa said over the roar of the engine.

“I know just the place to go.” Emma said, giving Teresa directions.

Teresa drove them there. It was a magic shop. The clerk led them straight to the back room and handed Teresa an enchanted sword and Emma a fairy's wand. “Use these wisely.” the clerk said.

The two girls thanked the clerk and went on their way. “This is so cool!” Teresa said.

“It is.” Emma agreed, laughing.

Teresa drove them back to the forest and they got out of the car. They waited for the dragon to arrive.

The dragon came and Emma distracted it with her wand. Teresa moved forward and slashed the dragon's leg. The dragon roared with pain.

Emma then froze the dragon with her wand and Teresa moved closer once again. Teresa raised her sword and sliced off the dragon's head.

“Phew!” they both said, “That was exhausting.” They sat and rested. The two became friends that afternoon and they spent a lot of their time together after that.

After they had rested, Emma called Sparkle back to her. She hopped on his back and Teresa got in her race car. “Let's have a race.” Teresa said. And that's just what they did.


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