Little Red Riding Wolf

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“Hey, Red!” her friend called out. She was called Red because of her bright red fur. Her full name was Little Red Riding Wolf.

Red's grandmother was sick. Her mother told her to take her a chicken, and to stay on the path, no matter what.

Red found a pretty blue flower she thought her grandmother might like. She ignored her mother's warning and picked a few flowers.

Suddenly, a huge black bear approached her. “Hello little wolf.” the bear said.

“Hello.” Red replied.

“What's a little wolf pup like you doing out in the woods by yourself?”

“I'm taking this chicken to my grandmother. She's sick and this will make her feel better.”

“Oh, I see. Where does your grandmother live?”

“Her den is down past the old oak tree. Turn left at the bridge. You can't miss it.” the little wolf said.

“I must be leaving now.” the giant bear said

“Oh, okay!” Red said cheerfully.

She continued on her way. She ran past the old oak tree and on to the bridge. She stopped to look over the waterfall. “Pretty.” she said. She took the path to the left and stopped at her grandmother's cave.

She called, “Grandmother, I'm here!”

“Come in.” her grandmother croaked.

Red entered the cave and found her grandmother curled up on the floor under a blanket.

“What black fur you have, Grandmother.” Red said.

“It's always been black, my dear.” That's true, Red thought.

“What big paws you have.”

“Better to hug you with.”

“What big ears you have.”

“Better to hear you with.”

“What a big snout you have.”

“Better to smell you with.”

“What big teeth you have.”

“Better to eat you with, like I ate your grandmother!” The bear leapt up and growled.

Red ran from the den, back to her own. When she was safe, she silently promised herself that she would never stray from the path again.

The End!

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