chapter 19: a fight and locked up

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Hana POV

"what is it Hana " he snapped laying his eyes on me. Guilt came into my stomach as I looked down at my hand, which he was holding.

"My hand" I mumbled

"what" he said. 

"you are hurting it" I continued. He looked down at it and released it, when he saw the blue bruises forming on it. I took my hand closer to my chest and rubbed it with the other hand. 

"sorry about that" he mumbled while scratching the back of his neck as he looked away from me. A unfamiliar silence came over us as we just stood their in the middle of the street without talking. I wanted to ask him something but the atmosphere would not allow it. Why did I feel this way. Normally I would always be able to talk with big brother, but now not a single word would leave my mouth.

"Hana" big brothers low voice said. I lifted my head and made eye contact while saying "yes brother".

"I am sorry about yelling at you, but would you please stop seeing Ukitake from now on" he explained. I twisted my eyebrow while looking over my shoulder  towards Ukitakes base. A warm feeling was evolving in my heart as a weird sensation came into my body. It was like the place was calling for me. I turned towards my big brother while saying in a straight out "No". 

My bother eyes were wide as he looked down at me in utter surprise. What happened I had never gone against him ever before, but now I felt like I something different was controlling me.  


Renji POV

"nemu, have you seen Hana" I asked as I ran into her. She shook her head while saying "I have not captain Mayuri went to meet her at Ukitakes have you checked there"

" yes I have but when I aksed they told me Mayuri had dragged her away and Captain Ukitake was locking himself in his room saying he was to ill for guest" I explained. Nemu placed a hand on her chin while looking down as she mumbled "thats weird".

The door to the science lab busted open and yelling started entering the room.

" Hana go to your room NOW" Mayuri yelled while pointing at his little sister.

"But brother" she pleaded but he shook her off and said "no buts Hana". She walked passed me with sorrow and frustation written all over her face. What in the world just happened, I thought as she left the room while Mayuri smashed one of his work tables to pieces.

"Damn Ukitake" he grumbled out and his eyes landed on me as if he first noticed my presence in the room at that moment.

"Lieutenant what do you want" he asked. I straightened my back and made a small cough.

"Well my captain asked me to pick up Hana for him so they could continue on her studies" I stumbled out trying not to make Mayuri more mad than he already was.

"I see, tell byakuya that my sister will not be going to his lessons from now on" he said. Wait what Hana loved learninf to read and visited us and my captain would probably be sad if she did not come anymore.

"May I ask" I said.

"Because my sister is to stay here and not walk outside without me" he explained in harass tone.

Hana POV

I shut the door behind me as I walked into my room at my brothers place. Water was streaming down my cheeks and a pain filled my head as I fell down onto my futon and hid my face in a pillow. What is happening, why brother with all that has happened, why.would you get this mad.

time skip
Aizen POV

"Lord Aizen Ichigo has been seen outside the castle" Gin said while I sat on my throne looking down at the hollows that would follow my every order without asking questions.

Seems like I will be reunited with my future queen faster than I had originally thought. A smirk came on my lips as I remember the weak pretty body of hers that held such a dangerous creature inside it. Thanks to Mayuri I managed to get a lot of useful data out of that little battle.

"Gin ready the men we will be heading out shortly and tell Ulquiorra that he will stay back and protect my castle" I ordered.

"What about that red haired girl orihime" he asked.

"Bring her to me, I feel like scaring her" I said. I need some sort of entertainment while waiting to enter the world of the living. That girl Orihime did her job perfectly, now all that is left to do is keep Ichigo here while I kill the soul king and become king myself.

Hana POV

"HANA, OPEN THE DOOR" brothers voice yelled from the other side of the door. I hugged my pillow while looking down at my white nightkimono. I had not left my room for weeks and whenever brother asked me to go with him, I would lock the door.

"Hana please open" brother mumbled as he stopped pounding at my door. I could still see his shadow on the other side of the door.

"I AM SORRY OKAY HANA" he uttered making my eyes wide as he continued " I am heading off to fight Aizen with the other captain, please when I get back we need to talk".
His footsteps moved away from door afterwards. Were they all going to fight Aizen even Ukitake, I thought while stumbling out of my bed. I need to see brother and the rest one last time before they go, I thought while pressing my hand at the door.

Come on Hana just open the door, I convinced myself but no matter what I could not bring myself to open it. Brothers footsteps vanished in the hallway as I mumbled "I am sorry please be safe onii-chan" while water dripped onto the floor

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