Chapter 17: Hospital bed

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Hana POV

My head was pounding loudly as I felt a bright light surrounding me. I opened my eyes and was meet with a white ceiling. My body felt sore as I rose myself into a sitting position. I gazed around the room and saw 3 captain sitting on a chair each all of them were asleep. My brother was sleeping on the chair near the door, while ukitake was next to my bed and Byakuya was near the end of my bed. Did they all wait for me to wake up, I thought while slowly moving towards the end of the bed.

A shiver went through me as my toes meet with the cold wooden surface. My entire body felt sore as I stumbled onto the floor trying to stand. Everything in my body was shaking as I held onto the bedpost. Calm down body, we can do this, I thought while taking a step forward as I released the bedpost from my grip. 


A pain came from my knee as I uttered out a hiss of pain. 

"Hana-chan" A surprise voice said as I lifted myself into a sitting position, while rubbing my forehead. Captain Ukitake had went from his chair and down on his knees in front of me. He placed a hand on my forehead as I felt heat growing inside me. 

"are you alright, you should not be out of bed yet" he said while looking up and down my body to see if I had been hurt. His eyes landed on the scratch that had come on my knee. He  took a hold of my leg and looked closer at the wound, while the room suddenly turned extremely hot as I looked into that soft and kind noble face of his. Why is my heart pounding like this, I thought while biting down on my lip as he touched the wound. 

"we will need to clean this" he stated and turned his attention towards me, while placing a hand on my forehead.

"have you caught a cold as well" he asked. I turned my eyes towards the floor as my face turned bright like a tomato, while I mumbled "no, why do you ask". A smile was on his lips as he answered "well your entire face is boiling red". 

"seems like Hana has finally awoken" a voice said and my attention turned towards Byakuya raising himself from his chair. He eyes became wide while his cheeks were red as he saw the position that Ukitake and I was in. Ukitake blinked his eyes as he finally released what position we where in. He released me of his grip as I could see a small blush on his cheeks. 

"we should probably get Unohana seems like Hana got a scratch on her knee as she tired to get out of be" Ukitake said getting back to his normal self, while making a fake coughing sound. 

"Hana-chan, thank goodness you are awake" my brother busted out as he rushed to my side. His eyes landed on my knee as he quickly picked me up while scolding me with "Hana, what did I tell you about walking after you know who takes control of your body". 

"I am sorry big brother" I said with a soft voice while leaning my head against his chest to hear his heart beat. The door to the room opened and Lady Unohana walked through the door. A smile was on her lips as she looked towards me. 

"Hana good that you are awake, how are you feeling" she asked me, as my brother walked over and placed me on the bed again. I looked down on my legs as I said "I feel sore all over my body and my head kind of hurt". 

"That is probably the effect of you having release the demon inside of you and your head is probably Aizens poison that is drifting away" she explained. 

"what do you mean by poison" I asked confused as all of there eyes landed on me. 

"Hana, whats the last thing you remember" Byakuya asked worried. I tired to focus when a imaged formed in my head.

"a man sitting on a throne surrounded by people with broken masks" I said trying to get a clear imaged to form, but everything seemed blurry. 

"I see, seems like the entire incident has been fogging your memory, so you are know suffering from memory lose" she said.

"so are you telling me, that she can not remember what happened with Aizen" Ukitake asked. 

"yes seems so" Unohana answered. A sighs came from my brother as he said "I am sorry, but this is nothing new, whenever Hades takes over my sister, she loose a part of herself often Memories of pain and sorrow, since that is what he feeds on". 

"wait are you saying that the demon is feeding on her" Byakuya asked. 

"yes and no, you see the demon can not entire feed on my sister, since her Zanpakuto stop that from happening" Brother said. 

"Hana has a Zanpakuto" Ukitake asked. 

"yes, but I have only seen it once and to tell you the truth I don't know much about it, except that it is able to save people from death itself and purify a large amount of Hollows at the same time" He answered as I felt a pain in my heart thinking back on that day when I released my Zanpakuto. 

"how do you know that" Byakuya asked.

"because she saved me from dying once" Brother stated making everyone look back and forth between him and me. I nodded my head as I said "it is true, but sadly I have never been able to talk with my Zanpakuto ever since that day". 

"I well go tell the captain about this, but for now, I want Hana to rest until her body has fully recovered" Unohana said. 

"Okay, Hana lets go back to my squad" brother said turning towards me, as he lifted me up again. When he tried walking through the door, Unohana blocked his path. 

"please step aside captain" brother snapped. 

"I am sorry I can not do that, since Hana is my patient, I can not let her go with you" she said. Wait why can I not go with big  brother. 

"why not she needs to get home and rest" Brother snap once more as his grip around me tighten. Big brother you are hurting me, I though while biting down my lower lip.

"Hana will be staying at Captain Ukitake squad, since she would be safe  there and the atmosphere is perfect for relaxing" she said and continued with "besides Mayuri your squad is to noise with all your yelling at your team, which would make for poor conditions for recovering". 

Ukitake place a hand on my brother shoulder while saying "don't worry, I will make sure she be safe". Brother glared into Ukitake-san eyes as he said "if anything happens to her I will kill you", while he handed me over, so I was being held by captain Ukitake bridal style. My cheeks were hot as Byakuya ran his hand through my hair while saying "Since you will be recovering for awhile, I will visited you so we can continue  your train in reading and writing". 

"thank you" I said looking away from all of them and focusing on my hands, why is this room so hot, I though as sweat formed on my body. 

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