chapter 12: Thoughts across dimensions

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Hana POV

I was taken to a room in the center of this so call castle of Aizens. A man with white hair and a snake like appearance was told to bring me here. His name if eye remember correctly was Gin and from what I could sense, he was not a hollow. 

"Okay this is going to be your room" he said and opened the door. I walked carefully into the room and when I looked around I could see a king size bed, along with a bookself, a table with two seats and a small couch. There were two other doors in the room, that both caught my attention. I turned towards Gin and asked "where does those doors go". 

"well the door on the right side of the room is the bathroom and the door on the left while take you directly to Aizens private chambers" he explain making my eyes wider. 

Ukitake POV

"hey ukitake you don't seem like yourself, whats wrong" shunsui asked while sipping on his sake. My mind kept thinking about Hana and the men that kidnapped her. Why was it, I just could not stop thinking about her. 

"it is just Hana" I answered. Thinking about all the times I spend drinking tea with her and eating homemade sweets. 

"you two did become pretty good friends, in the short time she was here right" Shunsui said placing his cup on the table. I nodded while looking down at the food in front of me, which I had barely touched. A sigh came from Shunsui as he asked "do you love her". 

My eyes grew wide at his question. What is he talking about there is no way, I could love her. She is much younger than me and her brother is Captain Mayuri. We are just friends right and beside she probably likes someone else. She is after all always at the combat squads barrack whenever her brother is not asking for her. 

"No, Shunsui we are just friends" I said trying to smile, but my mouth would not move. Shunsui rose from his seat and said "come on Ukitake, we have been friends for centuries, don't you think I can see through your lies".

"you are right, I probably do have some feelings for her, but" I sighed while trying to take a sip of my drink. 

"but is not the answer, true you might be older than her, but it is not like it matters when it comes to true love and beside right now, Hana is probably scared and frightened hoping that someone is going to save her..... so stop your buts' and get your act together" he snapped at me making me completely confused. Shunsui has never acted like this before could it be that he thinks of Hana as a sister or something. 

Byakuya POV

"hey captain here is another stack of report" my lieutenant said while placing them on my desk. I put the paper I had in my hand away and grabbed a new one from the pile. 

"Captain if you don't mind me asking why are you looking through all this old reports" abarai said with a hand behind his neck. I sighed and said coldly "I am looking for any information that could help us get Hana back". 

"That's right Hana is pretty important to you, since you started teaching her to read" Abarai teased with a smile on his lips. It is true that I consider Hana like a daughter to me, but my lieutenant does not need to know that. 

"It is nothing of the sort, Hana was kidnapped by Aizen which mean he can use her for his plan, so we need to get her back before he gets the change to do that" I explain. Abarai smirked as he said "yeah yeah, lets just say that". 

Hana POV

 My head was pressed against the soft pillow on the bed as I tried falling a sleep in this unfamiliar place. I don't even know if it is day are night right know, because this place looks like it is night all the time. I wonder how everyone is doing back home; is big brother trying to find me, is Yachiru getting enough sweets, what about shunsui, Ukitake, Rukia, Nemu, Byakuya, Renji, Unohana and everyone else. I wanna go home, I thought as tears formed in my eyes. 

I heard the sound of one of the doors to the room opening and footsteps getting closer. My eyes closed shut as I felt weight onto the bed. A hand moved across my face and played with my hair. My body was put into a strong embrace from behind and I felt a hot breath against my neck making a chill running down my spine. 

"Goodnight my queen, don't worry in a few days you will have forgotten everything about that brother of yours and his comrades" a voice i recognized to be Aizen. His hand was moving across the fabric of the thin silky nightgown I had found in the closet.  Please brother come and save me. 

Mayuri POV

"NEMU, come here already" I yelled through the barracks, while sitting in front of my computer. Aizen you think you have the right to kidnap my sister, the minute I find you I promise, I will sent you to something much worse than hell itself. 

I had put my entire team to do over time so they could look for clues to find Hana. If Aizen is stupid enough to go away from  that hell hole of his, I will surely know it. Don't worry sis, I will save you even if it is the last thing I do.  

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