Chapter 10: kidnapped

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Hana POV

"see you tomorrow cake-chan" Yachiru yelled out as she bite down on the chocolate cookie in her hand. A giggle escaped my lips as I waved goodbye to her and head out of the barracks. The moon was shining brightly. A few soul reaper were standing guard, but most of the time there was no one around. Maybe I should make something for big brother since he has been working so hard to get this collar of my neck, I thought while touching the stiff collar. A rustling sound came behind me, I turned around and saw nothing. My heart start pounding loudly and drops of sweat formed on my forehead. I took a short cut through a small ally on my way back to big brothers squad. 

"hey princess" a cold voice said sending a shiver down my spin.  I spun around and came eye to eye with a man wearing white clothes and blue-grey eyes. Gloves covered his hands and a fragmentation of a hollow mask was around his neck. The air around me turned cold and electric. 

"who are you, stay away from me" I yelled out as he stepped closer. My heart pounded wildly and a bad feeling filled my stomach. The man gave me a stirred smirk as he raised a hand towards me. I tried running but my feet were somehow frozen to the ground. 

Renji POV

"hey Ichigo, wanna go for another round" I said as I pounded my wooden sword towards him. The orange haired boy smirked as he raised his sword towards me. Rukia and Orihime was sitting in the corner of the training hall drinking tea. He ran towards me while raising his sword when a voice broke through the silent night yelling " LET GO OF ME".

"what the hell" I said as I turned towards the direction of the sound. Ichigo stopped his attack, while the girl rose themselves of the ground. Rukia said "we better go see what going on". I nodded and we all ran out of the train hall. 

The sound came down from ally not fare from the squads barracks. Ichigo and I walked in front and the girls walked behind us. A sound of someone crying and scream filled the air. I recognized the voice to be captain Mayuri younger sister Hana, but what the hell was going on. My eyes grew wide as I saw a man in white clothes holding onto Hana. His eyes were emotionless and a fragment of a hollow mask was on his neck.  Don't tell me he is one of Aizens men. 

"hey let go of her" Ichigo yelled. The man took a glance in our direction and my eyes locked with Hanas. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she said "Renji, please help me". The Arrancar forced his hand into Hana stomach, which made her pass out onto the ground. 

"I am sorry, but Aizen wants this girl" he said in a cold voice while lifting onto his shoulder. Ichigo released his zanpakuto and ran towards the man. I felt the spiritual energi of two more people coming closer to us, but it was not soul reaper energi. 

"what Ichigo" I yelled. A glimmer came and blood splashed out of ichigos body and onto the floor. He feel onto the ground.  A arrancar with green hair and eyes was standing above him with a smirk on his lips. 

"i got the girl lets go" the first arrancar said making the other one turn towards him. Another Arrancar was sitting on one of the walls in the ally. He was a big guy and a portal opened itself behind him as he said "lets get back to Aizen then". I raised my sword towards them and tried to attack the man that was holding Hana, but a sharp pain through my body as the biggest Arrancar forced me into the ground. The Arrancars vanished through the portal with  Hana.

Time skip

"so thats what happened Lieutenant" the head captain said  while glancing down at me. The other captain looked at me stunned at the event I had explain. Mayuri was mumbling curses under his breath.

"Head captain why would Aizen kidnap a girl, who does not have any kind of soul reaper power at all" Shunsui asked breaking the silence. Yamamoto ran his hand through his beard and said "captain Mayuri, do you have any idea why someone would want your sister".  The captain stepped forth and said "There is only one reason why Aizen would want my sister and that is because he found out about the thing sealed inside her". 

"is there something sealed inside of Hana" ukitake asked while a soft mumbling filled the room. Mayuri nodded his head and said " Hana and my father made experiments on her and ended up trapping a demon inside her body, I managed to escape with her by killing our father, but years after a partner of mine found out about the demon and kidnapped her, ever since then I had tried to track down my sister, when Shunsui and Ukitake found my sister that was the first time I had seen her since she was kidnapped by that man". 

Everyone in the room was amazed by the captains explanation about his sister, but how could something like that have happened to a sweet girl like her. The head captain forced his staff down into the ground making the loud noises coming from the different captains settle down. 

"Orders about this will be as followed, every soul reaper is to look out for any signs of Hana and if she is found bring her back to the soul society at once" he said and continued "if the demon inside her awakens and becomes dangerous she is to be put down".

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