Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Adam P.O.V

Finally I have finish my essay, I look up and saw the girl was at the window looking down I guess she was looking if the gang is still there. She turn around and saw me looking at her, I immediately look another way.

"Um....I have to go. It seem that they have already left. I don't want to disturb you. Thank you." she said while walk out of the room.

"Why are you not scared of me?" I said. I was curious until I was not able to sleep last night.

She stop and turn around and smile at me.

"Why should I be scare of you? You don't look scary to me!" she said.

"I look like a beast. My face my body every part of me is a beast. Don't lie to yourselves, you just pity me that why." I said.

"Pity you...I don't even know you to have pity you. The fact that I not scare of you is real. I have seen more scary face then yours, you're a beast but not behavior like one while other they look human but behaving like a beast." she said. I was shock. No one has ever said that.

"Well see you ... thank you again.' She said. Then I heard that she was talking to Mr B.

"Young Master why don't you invite her for tonight dinner. It your birthday today!!" said Mr B. Damn right today it my birthday....I was supposed to be celebrating with my parent but yet again they are not coming.

"It your birthday today...happy birthday!!!" she wish me.

"Thank you." I reply.

"Would you like to come by tonight to celebrate his birthday?" said Mr B. I look at Mr B...I did not agree to his idea why did he said that. The girl look at me and back at Mr B. Mr B look at me and he said silencely,

"Invite her!!" he said while his mouth moving.

"Would you like to join me and Mr B for dinner tonight?" I said. Her face immediately change and she says,

"Yes I love to join you for dinner and to celebrate your birthday. What time should I be here?"

"Around 6pm." I said nervously.

"Great...I see you soon." She said again and walk away. I look at Mr B who was smiling at me.

"Well done Young Master!!!" said Mr B. I look speechless. This is the first time for years that I am having dinner with anyone. What if I make her scare or do anything crazy?

"I change my mind. Tell her not to come." I said to Mr B.

"Young Master!!!" said Mr B.

"Tell her not to come! I will embarrass myself in-front of her." I said while sitting down at my chair.

"Young master it has been 3 year since you change and you have spoken to no one except for the professor, the doctor your family and me. And right now someone else is willingly trying to get to know you, you are pushing her away. Why don't you give her a chance, she might not be pretty but she is the only one who is brave enough to get close to you. If you give her a chance she might be the one who might be able to help you." Said Mr B. He's right, she is the only one that has been brave enough to have talk to me and that to speak to me without fear. I look at my hand, for the last 3 years, we did our best to break the spell but no woman want to get close to me. What if she is the one who can help me to break the spell? I look at Mr B who was waiting for my answer.

"Fine...Prepare for tonight dinner. Let's hope she is brave enough to face me tonight." I said. Mr B nod his head, excuse himself and walk out of the study room.

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