Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Belle P.O.V

It has been a smooth morning, right after I met Anna for lunch; I have a sudden stomachache and wanted to use the bathroom. I walk into the washroom which was near to the English class. When I open the door I saw a group of skinny white poise girls were surrounding a girl who was on the floor. From where I was standing I saw that she was wet and the girls who in the middle of bullying her. I froze...shit. That was me back in Bronx. I was badly bully in the previous school and that when my teacher secretly apply for the scholarship. The other student who saw that I was being bully turns around and pretends not to see anything. Even my friends run for their life when I was being bully. But no... not anymore, I am scare as shit but I can't let the poor girl suffer.

"Hi!!! What are you doing?" I said while clenching my fist. The girls stop and turn to look at me.

" can still run!!!" I said to myself.

"What did you just said?" said one of the girls who look like the leader of the gang.

"I..I said what are you doing?" I said again.

"It's none of your business. Or do you want to join her might be more fun!" said the other girl.

"Well it's my business and you need to stop. Can you see she is scare?" I said again, but now with a little more courage.

"And you're not scare of us?" said the leader again. Scare...oh I am fucking hell.

"Nope!!" I said while my whole body is shaking.

"Stop before I call the teacher!" I said again.

"You dare?" said the other girl. I breathe in and turn back out to look for a teacher. When I spot the Disciplined Master Mrs Downspout was walking and checking the student.

"Mrs Downspout!!! Help...Help!!!" I shout. Mrs Downspout heard her name was being called immediately I wave my hand to get her attention. She quickly walks towards me and says,

"What happen?" I immediately point my index finger to the gang and the girl who was being bully.

"What in the name of god are you doing?" said Mrs Downspout while walking in and dragging the gang out of the washroom. While they were going out the leader was saying something quietly and which I know what she was saying,

"I am going to kill you!!!" Oh...O....shit I am officially the new target. After they have left and the door closes. I walk to the poor girl who was wet. She stood up while I hand her some tissue paper.

'Are you alright?" I said.

"Yes... I am but you are not!" she said.I look at her and regret immediately for helping. I am so buster!!!

Adam P.O.V

Right after dinner, I was sitting with Mr B and was playing chess. The only thing me and Mr B do every time we have spare time in our hand and I was losings and that not me at all. I was still thinking about that girl earlier in the afternoon.

"Checkmate young master!" said Mr B. I immediately wake up from my world.

"Oh...Damn." I said while resting my back to the sofa.

"Are you alright young master?" Said Mr B.

"Yes I am fine. I just tired that all." I lie.

"Would you like some tea before you head to bed?" said Mr B.

"Yes please." I said. My mind was thinking of that black fat girl. Thanks to her I can't focus as all.

Mr B came in and pours the tea into the tea cup and places it in front of me. I took a sip of the tea and place it back.

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