Chapter 2

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Emily's POV

"Police have re-assured that the search for criminal Logan Miller is still on-going and are very close on leads-" I snapped the television off, knowing what the whole news story was going to look like after watching billions of recites every day, and everyday it hurt more knowing that our lives were in danger and that one day, Logan might be taken away from me. The police had yet to find out about me, despite the fact that I had disappeared from my parents radar, which gave me an advantage, but only made me worry more about the life of the one I love.

"Stop thinking so hard" I heard Logan say behind me. His face was reflected on the television screen, where I watched him as he approached me and eventually bent right in front of me, his hands taking mine into his larger ones. "Everything is going to be okay as long as I have you here with me alright?" He reassured me. A small smile extended on my mouth as I agreed and embraced him into a hug.

We hadn't been too long in Kansas, just three days, and we had yet to look for jobs. With Logan having to stay on the low life, there were only few jobs he could afford taking such as working in a garage, where no one would recognize the great Logan Miller, which meant I had to be the one with the bigger job, something that could pay us well to keep us going. Withdrawing money from Logan's banks accounts were absolutely impossible now that he had been exposed, however there was a little stashed gathered into the crew's safe bank account that could be reached in case of emergencies.

"Let's get going, we've got jobs to look for." I announced, elevating myself from the single couch in the tiny apartment. We gathered our stuff heading towards the door where a particular sound had us freezing in our spots. The sound of a police sirens wailing loudly had us both petrified in our spots. Logan jogged up to the window, his eye peeking through the curtain to get a glimpse. My curiosity got the better of me and I mirrored his actions, looking through the other side.

A police car was parked right outside the apartments, a police officer was talking to our bottom floor neighbor with what seemed a photograph in the house.

The action of our neighbor pointing at our apartment building was enough to have us on alert and on the run. Words didn't have to be said as we both ran into the only room in the studio grabbing the bags that we had yet to unpack and without a second glance back at the apartment we had stayed in for three days, we took off. Logan grabbed my hand and pushed the door revealing the stairs. We skipped through every last step until we arrived the garage where our only route of escape was parked.

Dumping everything into the backseats, we sat ourselves inside and Logan had the car running in less than a minute. The garage door opened on the other side of the entrance, making our escape even more easier. The blue suburban skies came into view soon as we found ourselves leaving yet another state.

"What now? Where do we go?" I questioned, breaking the silence we had as soon as I saw the sign that bid us goodbye from Kansas.

"Well, they'll probably be searching around Colorado and Missouri or Nebraska so I say let's go to Tennessee" I nodded wordlessly, not knowing what to say. "Hey, how about this? We get one of those nice mountain cabins and just stay there yeah?" he spoke up noticing my discomfort. A smile still made its way to my mouth from his words.

"Oh yeah? And where would we get the money for that?" I questioned playfully.

"We'll find a way alright? Let's just stop worrying about this" I glanced back at him, noticing his sincere care towards me, making my heart melt.

"Logan, I don't care where we live as long as I'm with you"

He faced me one again, taking my hand into his and bringing it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss onto it.

"I love you" he replied calmly.

"I love you too" I said in all honesty.

Day by day things were getting worse, but the real question is: how far are we willing to go for it?


Sorry for the short chapter again but from the next chapter onwards all chapter will be long and much more action filled, I promise. What problems do you think will rise in this book?? For those of you who still want a broader outlook on the last book let me know! Chapter thoughts?? Future predictions?? Comment below and tell me know what you think!

Picture of Logan to the side--->





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