Chapter 10

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Emily's POV

"There has to be something we can do!"

"Emily, he's in jail, we can't exactly walk into the police station and beg for them to release Logan-"

"I don't care what we have to do, I'll do it!"

"Em, just try and understand that they want all of us in jail, so there isn't-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Adam! I don't care what I have to do, I will get him out of there. I can understand that you guys are on the line here, but we are not, which means we are going to cross every limit we have to in order for us to have him back with us here" I yelled once more, tears continuously flowing down my sore eyeballs.

I felt myself plop down on the sofa, my head being buried into the nest of my hands. In less than a second, Larissa was by my side, hugging me tightly.

It was then that the thought hit me? Why was I crying this hard? I knew this was going to happen someday? How long did I think I was going to survive without being caught by the cops? How long did I think we could play hide and seek? How long was this game supposed to go on?

There was no point in crying. The day I decided to join Logan on this journey, I promised to protect him, and that's what I would do. One way or another, then why was I crying? I spent an infinite amount of time wondering to myself what my life would be like if I hadn't picked Logan, now I was living the result, and the doubt in my mind had been clarified. I could not live without Logan.

It was wrong on every level to support and love someone so wrong, yet to me it was my only anchor of survival.

I would get Logan back, one way or another.

The sound of the television broke my train of thoughts, my face popping up to the screen where images of Logan being arrested flashed on the screen.

That's when the next question arose: how was this possible? Who sent Logan that text? It couldn't have been Louisa, she was rotting in jail. Then who?

"Adam, I want you find out who sent Logan that unknown text" I commanded, clearing the tears from my face before picking up my jacket and striding towards the door.

"Em, where are you going?" Larissa asked me as I pulled the door open.

"I'll be back soon" I answered, completely ignoring her question.

I got into my car, speeding the car down the roads into the city, towards the hospital.

I should have done this a long time ago, I thought mentally as I continued accelerating forwards.

It was as if my life took a complete 180 degree turn since the very day I moved to New York City and applied for a job in Miller industries, a company that had now been permanently shut down.

I arrived the hospital, exiting my vehicle and walking inside. Remembering the details of the room, I walked straight into the elevator, riding up the floors.

Joseph's face came into view when I exited the elevator, his expression absolutely surprised. I hugged him before anyone could speak, feeling his hands instantly hugging me back.

"Emily, what are you doing here?" he asked when we parted.

"I shouldn't have just abandoned her after everything that's been going on" I guiltily explained. He nodded briefly.

"I heard the news last night" he commented, making me face him. Tears poked my eyes once again, but I refused to let them out.

"I will get him back" I said, more determined than ever.

"I'm here for any help you might need to get him back" he nodded, embracing me in a hug once more "Go meet her" he then said, pushing me in the direction of my father's room.

I advanced forward, my hands trembling before I finally had the guts to knock on the door. I pushed the door open gently, the view entering my eyes.

The plane white walls, the machines, needles, beeping sounds and the grief and heavy atmosphere, everything saddened me. What was worse was seeing the stationary figure of my father lying cold and pale on the bed.

"Emily?" my mother's voice shook me from my thoughts.

Tears started to well up in my eyes, as I approached my mother and pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back, her hands tight around me.

"I'm so sorry ma. I shouldn't have left like that" I cried into my mother's shoulder.

"Oh mi niña, cuanto te he hechado de menos" (Translation: Oh my girl, I have missed you so much) we parted, my mother cleaning the tears off my face with her hands.

"Me too ma. I'm so sorry" she simply smiled, taking me towards the couch at the other end of the room and seating me down.

"Listen to me Emily" my mother began "I am your mother, I don't want you to have to lie to me. I knew you when brought Logan home for Christmas that you were both in love with each other, even if it was just pretend at the time, and when I heard that Logan Miller is a criminal, I hoped that you wouldn't have gone with him, but sitting here today, watching your father in a coma..." her eyes welled with tears as she glanced back at my father "me entero de que no puedo vivir sin el" (Translation: I realise that I can't live without him) she let out a sob, making me pull her into a tight hug once more.

"He's going to be ok ma. Todo va a salir bien" (Translation: Everything is going to turn out okay) she parted, making me look directly into her eyes.

"It's not very often you find your true love Emily, don't give up on Logan, even if he is in jail, find a way to get him out. Promise me Emily" I nodded towards my mother, knowing that I would never give up on him.

"Te quiero mama" (Translation: I love you mom)

"Yotambién mi amor" (Translation: Me too my love)    


For those of you who haven't read Choosing Wrong, Emily's mother is spanish, hence the translations. There goes another chapter!! What will happen next? How will they get Logan out of jail? Chapter thoughts? Future predictions?? Comment below and let me know what you think!

Picture of Emily to the side--->





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