Chapter 22

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Emily's POV

I waited patiently as Logan took his time waking up the next day, desperately wanting to open the yellow file the man at the bounty station had given me.

Once he had disappeared into the bathroom, I shot up and pulled out the file, beginning to inspect it. The first thing that came into view was a name.

Lauren Chan.

The next thing I viewed was a picture. A young girl of about 25 years was facing the camera, with sandy blonde hair, dark brown eyes and Asian features. I stared at the picture for a few brief minutes before I heard the water turn off in the bathroom, causing me to shut the file and push it back in the drawer I had pulled it out off.

"Hey" I said, stretching out slightly and pretending to just have woken up as he walked towards me in nothing but a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips.

"Hey princess" he replied, dropping a quick on my head before heading towards the closet, where he quickly got dressed. "You coming princess?" he questioned once he saw I made no effort in getting out of bed.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute, just going to shower" he smiled, nodding before exiting the room, leaving me alone in the room. I got off the bed, checking to see if he had gone before returning to the file.

After examining the picture once more, I focused on the details.

Lauren Chan


Nationality: Chinese

Occupation: Engineer

The rest of the file contained a few more details about Lauren, but that was about it.

A few more pictures were present in the file, including an address, but nothing else.

No crimes, no instruction, nada.

I stared at the file once more, making sure there was nothing else attached to it before hiding it back and heading for a shower.


"Alright, so they gave me this file of this woman yesterday, someone by the name of Lauren Chan. There are details about her, but nothing telling me what I'm supposed to do next"

"What did you expect them to do? Give you an instruction manual on what to do?" Tom questioned, putting the large cigar back into his mouth, I glared at him trying to get back to my point.

Thankfully, Jack had managed to get Logan out of the house, leaving us to finish off bounty work.

"Fine, you're right. Jordan, Adam, get me something on this girl, and find me a location. I'm hitting the road" I completed, getting off my seat and grabbing my jacket before heading towards the door.

"Wait" Tom stopped me, causing me to turn around. "You can't expect to do a job like this alone do you? You can barely use a gun" He commented, getting off his seat and dumping the cigar down.

"Excuse me? I'll have you know that I can fire a gun just fine, thanks" I finished for him, ignoring him as he followed behind me towards the car.

Surprisingly, he didn't protest as I got into the driver's seat, putting the key into ignition.

"So what happens when we find her?"

"Well, we murder her" I stomped my foot on the breaks, making us both leap forward until the car stopped.

"You better not be serious" I uttered, glaring at him.

"For fuck's sake, what the fuck was that for? I was joking, we aren't going to murder her" he finished, a breath of relief escaping me. I returned my foot on the accelerator, getting back onto the road.

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