Chapter 26

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Emily's POV

I shut the door excitedly, skipping my way into the kitchen where I was glad to find everyone already present: including Logan.

"Great! You're all here! I have some exciting news to share with you all"

"I thought I told you not to go back-"

"Shut up Logan. I'm done listening to you. When I decided to go on the run with you, I knew every risk I was willing to take, and now I have the right to do whatever I want. I chose to end this bounty, and I'm doing it, now if you would allow me, I would like to explain my plan thank you very much" I interrupted an angry looking Logan from his familiar speech. His eyes were wide at my words, but everyone around seemed surprised.

Tom's smirk changed into a smile as he looked back at me.

"Alright, so as I was saying. I found the key to everything, to this entire bounty. I know how we can end this"

"What do you mean?" Jack questioned.

"Well, Brad called me earlier today and told me to meet him at the station. At first I thought he was there because of something Kiara might have provoked, but I was wrong. I went there for something even better"

"Emily get to the point you're making me nervous" Jordan intervened, swiping the smirk off my face.

"He took me there to introduce me to the owner of the station. His name is Daniel Chess, he runs the entire thing, every project, everthing. He is the bounty, if he didn't exist, neither would the bounty" I pointed out.

"I still don't understand how that helps us wipe out the bounty" my sister mentioned.

"Tomorrow, Daniel wants to have a meeting with every case leader, and their holders. Everyone will be there, Daniel, Brad, and everyone involved in running the bounty, that's when we will blow the entire thing up" I revealed, earning no comments from anyone of appreciation.

"I still don't understand" Jack said after a minute of silence.

"Oh for god's sake, the plan is-"

"You want us to infiltrate the area and fill it with explosives whilst you're in the meeting and then blow it up when everyone is in there am I correct?" Tom questions, cutting me off.

"Yes! Finally someone understands my plan."

"What about you? You will be in the meeting, you don't just expect us to leave you in there do you, because we aren't going to do that" Larissa commented, everyone agreeing with her in unison.

Logan was silent however. He stood by the corner of the kitchen, not uttering a single word as he heard the entire plan. His hands were firmly crossed across his chest as he heard every word of the plan, his face expressionless. Maybe he didn't love me after all.

"No, I won't be in there. I mean, I will be, but I'll escape, and once we're all out, we blow it up"

"What about the security cameras?" Jack began.

"Are you seriously even asking?" Adam retorted with a malicious smirk on his face.

Everyone seemed happy with the idea. Well, everyone except Logan, but I was done taking orders from him.

"Great, it's set then, that's what we'll do. Anyone whose left out we can kill apart I guess" I announced, elevating from my seat to make my way upstairs when Jack stopped me once again.

"Wait, what about Kiara? Isn't she still a threat? She could reveal everything tomorrow" he mentioned.

"She won't. I had a pretty intense conversation with her the other day, and even if she tries, I'll do what I promised her I would do to her" I smirked at my own comment.

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