Chapter Eleven

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"You look great," smiled Daniel, looking Justin up and down.

"Thanks. I could say the same to you." He was wearing a long black t-shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, converse and a black jacket. On the left side of his jacket was a small, rainbow coloured pin.

"Why don't you then?"

"Bit of a detraction, don'tcha think?"

Daniel flipped him the finger and Justin threw his head back and laughed.

"You do look good though, I have to say. Very sexy," he said 'smoothly'.

"Dressed to impress?" he asked, turned around slowly. A pair of tighter-than-usual trousers, Tommy Bow shoes, a plaid shirt open at the first button with rolled up sleeves and hair brushed to the side.

"I'm impressed anyway."

"You ready to go?"

"By the way," stared Daniel as they left the house and turned to Tracy's. "Where'd you get that pin?"

Justin instinctively looked down at it. "Oh Susan bought it for me. I think it's nice."

"I think so too. We should get matching ones," he grinned.

Justin grimaced at him. "You don't want to be one of those nauseating couples do you?"

"Why not? Might as well have a bit of fun with it," he answered as he rang the bell.

Tracy opened it and ushered them inside. "So glad you could make it!"

"Thanks for inviting us," said Justin.

"As if I wouldn't," said Tracy, pulling him into a hug, then Daniel. Justin gave her the bottle of Jack Daniels he had brought. "Aw, thanks! How domestic of you!"

"Shut up..!" laughed Daniel.

"Hey Justin, come in here!" called Fred from the sitting room.

"Coming!" he called back. "Probably more questions about 'how I knew'!" he said with an amused smile. It was sometimes monotonous, but he didn't mind. Anything to educate them.

"And by the way," said Daniel to Tracy as Justin walked away. "Thanks for the advice on hiding hickeys. I couldn't've gone around with 'em."

"No problem. Anything to help. Took me a long damn time to get it just right," she said proudly. "Well done by the way, you dog," she said with a punch to his arm. "Didn't know you had it ya! Him neither!"

"Thanks. It was...quite...enjoyable," Daniel said slyly.

"I should say so. Six damn hickeys!" She was a little surprised when she got the phone call that morning. "That beats my record."

"And that was just on my neck."

"Wha-oh my God!" she exclaiming as she gave him a shove.

Daniel stuck his tongue out and held out two fingers as he sauntered sideways into the sitting room. "Mw-hahaha!"

It was a Friday night. Tracy's parents were gone for an anniversary weekend so she invited everyone around for the sesh. Her house was well stocked with various alcohols and drinks so she didn't need to spend any money. A win-win situation: all the fun with zero cost. Apart from snacks.

"Sometimes you're so crude, you know that?"

"Aw don't be like that, you love my crude nature!"

"No I don't. Liking and relating to are completely different things."

Daniel grabbed her shoulder and squeezed her in a one armed hug and laughed.

"Thanks for introducing us," he whispered to her.

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