Chapter Ten

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Another dream came to Justin one night about a week after he had been introduced to Tracy's friends and had spent some time with them. Once again the sunlight was concealed behind the massive form of the giant George King. Lips pulled back in a severe Joker-like grin, his booming laugh resounded in the air, vibrating the windows of the houses in the town beneath his stride.

Dozens of buildings lay crushed and shattered from the force of his enormous feet and his appetite for destruction. One of the houses was Susan's. She was nowhere in sight. Justin was frantic with despair and was pulling planks of wood, pieces of broken plaster, large rocks and other debris from the pile in a desperate attempt to find her. His hands were soon cut and damaged, filled with splinters. The giant watched his futile attempts with glee.

Flexing his unnaturally broad shoulders and large arms, the giant let out a roar that broke many cracked and weakened windows.

"Stupid little faggot!" he cried. "You will never find her! You will never escape! You're nothing!"

Justin increased his attempts, but made small progress. He could barely see anyway, through the stream of tears that flooded down his cheeks. Suddenly, he could see through his blurry vision, several pairs of arms appearing around him, clearing away the debris. Helping. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and looked around. There was Tracy, Daniel and the others he had met and was getting to know. They wore looks of concentration as they pulled aside the remnants of the house, but paused for a brief second to look at him and smile. Daniel gave him a wink.

The giant was not happy with this development and issued a shout of rage. Stomping his feet he moved closer to them, eyes filled with burning murderous fire. His neck was tensed, veins standing out as he shouted, ranted and swore. Still the group dug and dug. With every piece cleared away, the giant seemed to lose some height. Bit by bit he was growing smaller, Justin thought.

The light suddenly got very low and the diggers stopped and looked up. The giants face was looming directly over them, staring with blood red eyes. Creating a gust of wind that near knocked them over, he flung back up with a cry and brought his fist down on them. The air around it whistled and as it came closer they grabbed each other in a firm grasp and huddled together. The fist was coming closer...

Justin woke up. He was sweating a bit, but he did not scream and he was not panting. In fact, he felt odd. Though they had (evidently) died in his dream – they were helping. They were helping him. Maybe this was the start of something new. Something better. He lay back on his pillow with a sigh and thought of them all. He thought of Daniel's wink.

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