Part Four

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I woke up to my alarm screaming at me to get up. I groaned and smacked it. It stopped and left a silence in my room. I rolled over and fell off my bed and landed on my floor with a thump. I laughed at myself and then I got up.

I walked over to my dresser and found a purple shirt to put on that said "angel" on it. I also put on a pair of blue jeans. I decided to try and jump down the stairs five steps at a time. When I finally got to the last five steps, I jumped and slipped on the last step which made me do a face plant into the carpet. I let out a short screech of pain and then laughed. This wasn't going to be one of my good days, I thought to myself. I got up and walked carefully to the table.

I got cereal, a bowl, milk, and a spoon and put it on the table. I sat down in my chair and poured the milk. I ate my cereal in silence. When I was done, I put my bowl and spoon into the sink and looked at the clock on the stove. It said 7:19 AM. I yelled up the stairs to get the others up, but nobody answered, so I figured that they might have already left. I got my bag, house key, and bike chain and lock and went into the garage. The car wasnt in it so I found my bike and dragged it to the front of the house. I locked the front door and then left for school.

Today was our second game of the season, but the day seemed to go by slower than any other day I had ever lived. Eventually, it was time for our game. I went into the bathroom and changed into my uniform. The coach gave us a little pep-talk and then it was game time. Our usual quarterback was sick, so the coach used our back-up, Bobby Leed.

The other team kicked it off and Alex caught it. He gor a twenty yard run and then he was tackled at their twnty-nine yard line. Bobby faked a pass to me and ran to the fifty yard line, he juked out a couple of kids before he got there. The next play, he passed it to me and I ran twenty-eight yards, and then a huge guy came out of nowhere and hit me.

It felt as if I had been hit by a car. All I remembered was feeling a harsh pain in my leg and hearing people yelling and "ah"ing before I passed out. I felt like I was never going to wake up, but then I heard somebody's voice. At first, I didn;t recognize it, but after I heard it again, I figured out that it was Ethan.

"Tammy, please wake up," he said softly, and then in an even quieter voice, he said, "I love you."

When I heard that, I tried so hard to open my eyes, but they wouldnt open. Then, everything faded away again... I didn't know how long it was before I woke up again, but I eventually opened my eyes and saw Ethan softly snoring next to me. I watched him sleep and snore for a little while, and then I softly said, "Hi."

He opened his eyes so fast it was almost impossible. We stared into each others eyes for a long moment, and then he did what I had least expected him to do. He stood up, leaned over my bed, and kissed me on my lips. It was a long kiss. In my head, I wished it would never end, but it did. That was my first kiss, and I think it was his, too. He went into the hall and yelled for a nurse, but the only thing I could hear was my heart pounding in my chest. The nurse ran into my room and examined me. She asked how I felt and I told her about the pain in my arm and leg. She said that I had been out for two and a half weeks. She asked if I wanted anything for the pain, and I told her no, so she left to help deliver a baby. I looked to my left and saw Ethan with the biggest smile on his face.

"I'm so glad you're finally awake. I've been so worried about you!" he said.

"You have some explaining to do... Why did you kiss me?" He didnt answer, instead, he suggested that I got some more sleep, and we argued over that for a while, but he eventually won when another nurse came into the room. The nurse gave me a shot that made me sleep almost instantly. I said with a little slur, "Ethan, I love you too..." and then I fell asleep.


okay, soooo what do you guys think?? let me know please, comment vote fan, and thanks for reading =) love yall



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