Part Three

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I woke up and heard rain pounding on the roof. I sighed and looked at my clock. It said 7:49 a.m. I stood up and walked over to my closet where I had seen a piece of paper folded under the door. I picked it up and opened it. It was a picture I drew a long time ago. I smiled and put it on my dresser. I got a pair of black jeans and a black shirt and hoodie. I went downstairs and got a banana and ate it, then I put my hood on and went outside. It was cold outside from the rain, but that wasn't about to keep me from leaving. I walked until my feet started aching, then I saw a tall, old building, and, out of curiosity, I went in it. The floorboards creaked under my shoes. There was a spiral stairwell that seemed to never end. Then, I saw a shadow on the stairs. It kept coming closer and closer until it was at the bottom. Then it saw me and I saw it. It was an old lady.

"Come dear, you look hungry," she said. She started to walk into a different room and for some reason, I followed her. The room we were in looked like a huge kitchen but it had things that a normal kitchen wouldn't have.

"Um, miss, I have to go, I'm sorry. My dad was expecting me home a half an hour ago. I'm sorry I came in without permission, I should have knocked. Thank you, though."

"Oh dear, I apologize. Have a good day, deary."

"Um, yeah, you too." Then I turned around and left. As soon as I got outside I started running back to my house so the creepy old lady couldn't follow me. When I got to my street, I stopped running. From there, I walked slowly and calmly to my house. I got inside and noticed that my dad was awake.

"Hi, dad."

"Hi, Tammy. Wanna help me make breakfast?"

"Sure, what we making?"

"French toast."

"Cool." We went to the kitchen and started cooking, about ten minutes later, the food was ready and my brothers were in the livingroom watching t.v. "Food's ready!"

They came running into the kitchen.

"Finally, I'm starving." They said in unison. We ate in silence. Then we all went to doing our normal Sunday thing.

The next few days went by as they normally did. Then Wednesday is when he came. He was a new kid and I was his guide. His name was Alex. He was about 5'10" and he had spikey blonde hair. He was in four of my classes. We talked and found out that we had a lot in common. We both loved to play football and soccer and we both loved dogs. He asked me if he could still join to play and I told him to check with the coach.

Later that day, he told me that coach said that he was going to have to try out to join. We walked out to the field together and got a few looks but nobody said anything about it. The coach told Alex to show him some of his moves and he did. Coach told Alex that he could be a QB if he wanted, we needed another.

Practice that day was a little different. When practice was over and I was on my way home, Alex asked me for my number so I gave it to him and he called me as soon as I started to walk away to make sure it was my real number. When I got home, I went straight to my room and plopped down on my bed. I instantly fell asleep.


Please dont be mad, im really sorry i took so long to update it. ive been busier than ever and im sorry its so short. i would really really like just one comment. PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just one comment. thanks so much for reading and please please please leave me a comment, i would really appreciate it. thanks


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