Prequel Pt. 2

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"Will someone please explain now?" Jungkook was now sitting at the kitchen table of a cheap apartment. The three other boys sat with him, all staring him down as they studied him, their eyes boring into him like knives.

He looked around. All three of the boys were disheveled and rugged, wearing clothes that they had obviously worn for weeks, their hair messes, and old scars and scabs lining their tanned skin. In comparison, he felt like a newborn. He was covered in cuts, yes, but his skin was the milky color of a pampered child, and his clothes had been bought last week.

"Do it again," urged the one sitting next to him. He had long bangs and clear eyes. "We need to make sure."

"I, uh, don't know how," Jungkook answered. "It just happened."

The tallest one, the one sitting across from him, beckoned for his arm. Jungkook hesitantly stretched it out towards the boy, who grasped his wrist. Then, Jungkook felt a searing pain where the boy's fingers were, and he yelled aloud.

"What are you doing?" he shrieked, trying to yank his arm back. "It hurts!"

The boy only tightened his grip, making Jungkook's eyes swim with tears.

"Make me," he replied, stoic.

Jungkook gasped, desperately trying to regain his senses to figure out what to do, though the pain was making his thoughts fuzz together. Suddenly, the pain increased tenfold, and Jungkook cried aloud, his voice heightening into a near-scream. He tried to wriggle his arm free, but the burning sensation only intensified when he moved.

"Stop it!" He screamed this time, his voice cracking with tears. "Stop it!"

He felt power surge through his whole body, and then, the pain stopped.

When Jungkook glanced up, he saw the boy studying his hand, which was now singed. He glanced down. His forearm had an angry red handprint.

"I-I'm so sorry!" he blustered immediately, drawing his arm back. "I didn't know that that would happen!"

"It's fine." Jungkook saw that the hand was already healing, returning to its normal color. "But now we know you really are the spawn of Satan."

"Pardon?" Jungkook leaned forward, thinking that he had misheard the boy.

The boy sitting on the other side of him, the shortest one with hard, piercing eyes, waved his hand. It became engulfed in black shadows. Jungkook stared in disbelief.

"Spawn of Satan," the shortest boy repeated in his deep, gravelly voice. "Son of Hades. Devil child. Take your pick."

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